Youth Wrestling Club @ Bingham

Dive into our Ecosystem Biology Project (Project Info Link) this summer and have it ready by Wednesday, September 4. Why wait? Start early to enjoy your summer without the last-minute rush!
Got questions? Ask Mrs. Reddish at joleen.reddish@jordandistrict.org.
Explore, enjoy, and get ahead on your project!
Do you want to make a difference at our school? Do you want to be involved in serving and leading your classmates here at SOJO? THEN APPLY TO BE A STUDENT BODY OFFICER FOR NEXT YEAR!
SBOs are responsible, hardworking students who care about their school’s culture. The main responsibilities of a SBO include planning school activities, spirit weeks, and assemblies that promote positivity at our school.
If you are interested in running for SBO, pick up an application in the main office or from Mrs. Mastin-Call in room 701. All applications are due to Mrs. Mastin-Call by April 23rd!!
Did you miss the incredible video our SBO’s put together? Or do you just want to watch it over and over because it’s so amazing? You’re in luck!! Here it is:
Interested in joining the National Junior Honor Society? Click this link!
If you are interested in getting involved in any of these clubs at SOJO, please connect with the teacher/advisor listed below.
South Jordan Middle School
6th to 7th Grade Registration Orientation 2023
All incoming 7th grade students and their parents are invited to an interactive open house and course-request session. Please attend at one of the following times:
Tuesday, February 7
5:00 pm, 5:45 pm, or 6:30 pm
South Jordan Middle School
If students are unable to attend the meeting, they may view the PowerPoint instructions on sojomiddle.org.
7th Graders, use the slideshow below to help you register for your 8th grade classes!
8th Graders! See the following for information about registering for your 9th grade classes!