About SoJo

South Jordan Middle School (SJMS) is located in the western part of the city of South Jordan. This area changed rapidly from an agrarian community to a suburban society. The patrons of this middle to upper income community are highly supportive of the school and are dedicated to educational excellence which includes curriculum, instruction, and activities which enrich the educational opportunities for each child.
Historically, the plan for SJMS developed as Bingham Middle School (BMS) needed replacement. Rather than expend the substantial funds necessary to renovate BMS, it was determined that a wiser course would be to build a new school. Although BMS would remain open for a couple more years, most of the student population began attending SJMS as it opened in 1989.
From its beginnings, students at South Jordan Middle School have excelled. State and national test scores indicate that SJMS students collectively perform at or near the top in all subjects. Students are also found developing their other talents in and out of school. Service is also a priority to many of the SJMS students. To further strengthen the dedication and commitment necessary to excel, students are taught and encouraged to be “Snow Leopards on the P.R.O.W.L.” The students come Prepared, are Respectful, are On time, have a Winning attitude, and Listen and learn.
As dedicated professionals, the South Jordan Middle School staff is committed to pursuing the tenets of middle school philosophy by emphasizing academic excellence and by working to help students develop individual strengths, talents and problem solving skills. The school provides an environment where individual differences are valued and the rights of others are respected.

  • South Jordan Middle School serves approximately 1,400 students in grades seven through nine. The school has an ethnic minority population of approximately 3 percent.
  • South Jordan Middle School operates on a traditional nine month, 180 day school calendar. A printed calendar of assemblies, drama, chorus, band, orchestra, and other activities is made available each year.
  • South Jordan Middle School has an experienced faculty trained at universities throughout the nation. All of the professional staff members have bachelor’s degrees, and a number have advanced degrees as well.
  • Faculty and staff undergo formal evaluations on a regular basis to help assure quality teaching and appropriate use of school resources.
  • The curriculum follows the State Core Curriculum and exceeds state requirements. In addition to giving students a good foundation in basic skills, the faculty provides excellent opportunities for students to learn music, drama, foreign language, etc.
  • Special education classes in English, math and reading, and counselor-directed study skills classes help students who have special learning needs. Resource teachers, guidance specialist, speech language pathologist, and psychologist are on staff to assist students with special needs.
  • Honors classes are offered to qualifying students.
  • Vocational classes provide introductory and intermediate training in woods, home ecology, business, and computer science. All seventh grade students participate in the Technology/Life/Careers (TLC) program.
  • Students are expected to attend school every day and to help maintain a good learning environment. School dress standards are posted and students are expected to dress in clean, modest clothing which is appropriate for school.
  • A hot lunch is served daily in the school cafeteria. An a la carte menu is also available. Service is quick and efficient during three lunch periods.
  • Bus service is provided for all students who live two miles or more from school.
  • An active School Community Council, comprised of elected representatives, meets regularly to deal with important school issues such as student safety.
  • Visitors are welcome and asked to go to the office for directions and other help before visiting classes.
  • South Jordan Middle provides released time for special studies in athletics, academics and religion.
  • South Jordan Middle students have won numerous awards for math, music, foreign language, vocational keyboarding, essay writing, science projects, magazine writing, and news reporting.
  • South Jordan Middle School recognizes student achievement and their positive contributions through several student recognition and incentive programs.
  • South Jordan Middle School encourages student involvement and provides many opportunities for students to showcase their talents and develop leadership skills. Among the possibilities are history, science and foreign language fairs, band, orchestra and vocal festivals, and many other activities which promote student growth.