Parent Square

End-of-Year Events

We are halfway through RISE testing, and we appreciate how hard your students have worked on the assessment, and throughout the school year. We have a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks, and we encourage you to check out the school calendar and website for the most up-to-date information about year-end events.

The most common questions we get are about the last few weeks of school, so here is a rundown of the events that week:

Monday, May 20 – Thursday, May 23 – Afternoon Prowl

We are running a test to see if having our Prowl intervention period in the afternoon works better than in the morning. Prowl will be after 6th period this week. Let us know how it goes!

Thursday, May 23 – Chromebook Check-In

Students will return their Chromebooks during their Language Arts classes. Please read the note on Chromebooks at the end of this Skylert for more information on how you can prepare to return them.

Monday, May 27 – No School (Memorial Day)

Tuesday, May 28 – Normal Schedule, Normal Day

Nothing fancy. 

Wednesday, May 29 – Lagoon Day for 9th Grade Students 

9th Grade students are invited to go to Lagoon on Wednesday, May 29. Students can purchase their pass directly from Lagoon by visiting and using the discount code ‘Jordan2024’ to purchase a full day pass for $54 (full cost, tax included). You can download the complete flier here

Buses will take students from SoJo to Lagoon leaving at 9 am and leaving Lagoon at 5 pm. There is no cost to ride the bus, but a permission slip must be turned in to the main office. Download the information/permission form here. Permission forms are due back to the main office by Tuesday, May 28th. Please note that May 29th is a public day at Lagoon, so the park will be open to all patrons from 9:30 am to 9 pm. 

Thursday, May 30 – Last Day for 7th Grade and Memory Book Signing 

The last day for 7th Grade students is Thursday, May 30. Students will attend the full day from 8:00-3:00. Memory Books will be distributed on Thursday, May 30. If your student is not in attendance, they can pick up their Memory Book in the main office beginning Friday, May 31. We will not distribute Memory Books before May 30. The schedule for our Memory Book Signing Day can be found here.

Friday, May 31 – Last Day for 8th & 9th Grade 

The last day of the 2023-2024 school year is May 31. 8th and 9th Grade students will attend on a half-day schedule. School will be held from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Breakfast will be served. Lunch WILL NOT be served. The schedule for our last day can be found here.

Memory Books

There is a list posted by the Main Office of all those who have purchased a Memory Book. If your student wants a Memory Book, please have them check the list to make sure their name is on it!

  • You may purchase a Memory Book on Skyward Family Access or in the Main Office for $35.00. Online and in person sales end May 17th (or while supplies last).
  • Please pay any fines/fees BEFORE May 30th. Students who are missing library books, textbooks, or have Chromebook fines will have their Memory Book held until the item is returned or the fine is paid.
  • Memory Books will be distributed Wednesday, May 30st. (No books will be released early.) There will be a table for CASH ONLY SALES at the signing party for $35.00. 

Any Memory Books not picked up that day will be available in the Main Office!

Check Student Chromebooks, Library Books, and Fines

We are nearing the end of the year, and now is a good time to check if there are any outstanding fines or fees. There are two places to check: 1. Skyward – to see current fines and fees. 2. Destiny – to see items that are assigned/loaned to each student. If a student has outstanding fines or fees, there may be a delay in picking up their memory book.
All students will return their Chromebooks on Thursday, May 23. Fines will be assessed for Chromebook damage and for missing charging cords. Students with fines will not be able to get their Memory Books, so please check Skyward for any fines before and after May 23. If a student returns a Chromebook that is not theirs, the full cost of a lost Chromebook will be assessed. Chromebook mix ups happen more often than you might think. If there is more than one JSD student in a household or if students complete homework together, they can pick up someone else’s Chromebook. Here is a video to help you check if the Chromebook the student has is the Chromebook they are supposed to have.