Parent Square

2024-25 School Year Information

Welcome back, SoJo! We’re not quite to the start of school just yet, but we get a lot of questions as school gets closer, so here’s a rundown of things you’ll see in this update:

  • Important Back-to-School Dates
  • Registration Information
  • Parking Lot Renovations
  • Open Positions
  • Memory Book & PTSA Membership
  • Schedule Changes
  • Virtual Back-to-School Night Information
  • First Days of School Schedules
  • Bell Schedules
  • Dress Code Reminders
  • Community Council Nominations
  • Frequently Asked Questions (Schedules, Lockers, School Tours, etc.)
  • 7th Grade Immunization Requirements

Important Dates

August 7:  Immunization Clinic, 10:00 am to Noon AT MONTE VISTA ELEMENTARY

August 7: Registration Opens / Schedules Available

August 15: VIRTUAL Back to School Night

August 16: All incoming 7th grade immunizations need to be emailed/faxed to us

August 20: First Day for 7th Graders, 8 am – 12 pm

August 21: First Day for All Students, 8 am – 3 pm

August 30: School Picture Day (Makeup Pictures October 9th)

Registration Information (August 7th)

Online registration for the 2024-25 school year opens on August 7th on Skyward, and this is also the day that class schedules will be available. Registration must be completed prior to school starting, including required immunizations for 7th graders. Online registration includes a variety of information and consent forms from the school and district, payment of school registration fees, and the option to add lunch money to your student’s account, etc.

Course-specific fees (different from school fees) will not be available to pay in Skyward until August 30th, once we have gone a week or two and can make sure we don’t charge a fee for a class you don’t end up taking.

Note: If you need assistance with fees, please contact an administrator and fill out this application. If you need help paying for school lunch, see this page for more info, and instructions on completing a free and reduced lunch application.

Parking Lot Renovations

Our parking lot overhaul is in full swing, and it’s going to be tight getting it finished by the end of school. Here’s a picture of it today:

As you can see, there’s still a lot to do, and we’ll likely be seeing it worked on right up to the first day of school. We’ll send out parking instructions a day or two before school starts, and any other updates as needed as we go along. 

The most important thing is that we are going to be an active construction site with no sidewalk access to the front of the school for a while, so please call in lieu of coming in. We’re still here and the school is still open for business, but the construction crews have asked that we keep it to employees for now and do business with the public over the phone. This means back-to-school night and walking the school will all have to be virtual this year. More on that below.

Open Positions

We have several part-time positions opening for applications in our main office:

  • Attendance Office
  • Counseling Office
  • Student Advocate

If you are interested, make sure to apply ASAP at The positions should be live later today.

Memory Book & PTSA Membership

The home of memory book purchases has changed! Instead of Skyward, you can now purchase your memory book at this link, as well as join our incredible PTSA. The PTSA is a great way to give back to the school community and get involved in events and activities that support your student. Please consider joining, and we appreciate the ongoing support of our phenomenal parent community!

Schedules Available August 7th

Once you finish registration and pay your registration and class fees, take a look at your schedule in Skyward. We have done our very best to get you as much of what you requested in the spring as possible. Due to the logistics of balancing the schedules of 1200+ students, we do not make changes to student schedules unless a mistake has been made. If you have questions or feel there is a mistake, please contact your counselor.

Also, please be sure to recheck your schedule before the first day of school. We’ll remind you, but there are rare instances where staffing changes require minor schedule adjustments and it’s always a good idea to check in again on Skyward the day before we start to make sure there are no surprises.

VIRTUAL Back-to-School Night (August 17th)

Back-to-School Night is typically your chance to come and tour the school, meet your teachers, ask questions, and try finding classes and opening your locker. Because of the construction, we’ll have to do this virtually this year. On August 17th, we’ll post welcome videos to both the school to individual teachers. These will remain up until school starts, and we’ll send them out via ParentSquare and post them on the website. If you need to have a personal conversation about the specific needs of your student, please contact the teacher and set up a meeting after that date.

We are unable to allow school walkthroughs before the first day of school because of construction. Above all, please remember that all 7th graders get a half day on August 20th that is just them and our entire staff. We’ll walk them through their schedule, talk about how lunches work, show them the media center, help them open their lockers, and all of the things you would normally do on Back-to-School night. We’ll have lots and lots of help, so try not to worry in the meantime.

7th Grade Orientation / First Half Day of School (August 21st)

This day is set aside just for 7th graders. We’ll walk them through their schedule, talk about how lunches work, show them the media center, help them open their lockers, and all of the things you would normally do on Back-to-School night. We’ll have lots and lots of help, so try not to worry in the meantime.

School runs from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. Buses will pick up and drop off students, and no breakfast or lunch will be served.

First Day of School for All Students (August 22nd)

This is our first full day of school with all students, and will run on our normal schedule – 8 am to 3 pm. Students will go directly to their 1st period class, and we’ll have lots of adults in the halls to help them find it.

Bell Schedules

We have all seven classes every day, and a late start schedule on Fridays. Monday through Thursday, we also have PROWL, which is an intervention time for students to get help in specific areas. The bell schedule can be found here.

Dress Code Reminders

It’s the time of year that you’re looking at back-to-school shopping, so it’s good to reiterate the district dress code for all Jordan School District schools. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s an illustration that makes it easy to see:

Beyond that, we expect students to dress in a way that does not disrupt the learning environment or pose a safety risk to others. More detailed guidelines can be found here.

School Community Council Nominations

Want to get involved? Our school community council plays a vital role in our budgeting, instructional planning, and safety discussions. We meet four to five times a year, and would love to have you join us. Visit our School Community Council page to nominate yourself or someone else to join the team.


Do I get a locker? Yes, but you aren’t required to use it. Your locker number and combination will be in Skyward, and we can help you give it a try during 7th Grade Orientation.

Can I come in and tour the school before school starts? Nope. Sorry. It’s been a hard no from the construction crews to have the public coming in before school starts en masse. But don’t worry – we’ll take good care of your student during 7th grade orientation!

What are your summer hours? We’re open daily from 8 am to 3 pm for new registrations, questions, etc. Just give us a call (over coming in).

How do I keep up on what’s going on at SoJo? 

Parent Square updates go out weekly once school starts – usually on Monday afternoons – and will always also be posted on the school website at the same time. We also keep a Google Calendar for important dates, events, and happenings at the school that you can subscribe to on your phone.

Is my student eligible to ride the bus? 

The district provides a lookup tool here where you can enter your address and get busing information, including eligibility, stop locations, pickup times, and boundaries.

Where should my student walk to school? 

Each year, we evaluate and update the safest routes for students in our boundaries to use when walking to school. Please visit this page to see the map.

Immunization Information

How do I turn them in? 

Because of parking lot construction, please don’t try to come into the school to turn in any documents. Send it via email to, or fax it to 801-412-2930.

What immunizations are required? 

We are legally required to have proof of immunization before a student can start 7th grade. The following vaccines are required for students entering seventh grade:

  • 1 TDAP Vaccine
  • 3 Hepatitis B
  • 2 Hepatitis A
  • 2 Varicella (Chickenpox) – A history of disease is acceptable, as long as parent signs a verification statement 
  • 1 Meningococcal 

TDAP Vaccine Dosage Recommendations:

Adolescents 11-18 years of age who have not received the Tdap vaccine should receive a single dose of Tdap vaccine followed by Td booster doses every 10 years thereafter. Tdap vaccine can be given regardless of when the last tetanus- and diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine was given. Unvaccinated teens or those behind schedule should receive three doses of Td with a one-time dose of Tdap substituted for one of the doses in the series.

For more information on immunization requirements, visit Immunize Utah.