Parent Square

South Lot Open for Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Great news! They’ve opened up our south parking lot…sort of. Here’s what it looks like now:

And here’s how we want traffic to flow in the south lot through the rest of this week:

We won’t be able to use the outer drop-off and pick-up loop in the south lot until next Monday so that cement can cure. The north lot can function normally – just use the left lane to drive through, and the right lane to load and unload.

A few notes about the south lot:

  • Do not park in the south lot. Drop off and pick up only for the rest of this week.
  • Pull as far around the loop as you can before unloading.
    • If everyone unloads when they get to the front one at a time, it backs up the whole line.
    • If we unload in groups by pulling as far forward as possible and unloading all at once, we can move people through much more quickly.
    • Follow directions of our staff to get to the right place BEFORE unloading.

Again, thank you for your patience as this changes day-to-day. We’re getting close to full operation, and what a relief that will be for everyone!