
College Tour, BHS Homecoming, Prowl

College Tour Chaperones

This year we’ll be doing a College Tour in place of the Industry Tour. This will be a fantastic opportunity to get our students excited about college and future careers! It will happen during our College Week on October 16th! We’re looking for chaperones to help. We would love to have at least 2 per bus (14 chaperones). Chaperones arrive at 9:00am and will be back at SoJo by 12:00pm. So, save the date and fill out this Google Form if you’re interested in chaperoning! 

BHS Homecoming Game

Parents/Guardians and Students: As we prepare for our Homecoming football game at Bingham High School this Friday, please review the following important guidelines of Bingham High School events to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone:

  • Supervision Requirement: All elementary and middle school students must be accompanied by an adult, parent, or guardian throughout the entire school-sponsored event. Students arriving without an adult will not be admitted.
  • Seating Policy: To maintain safety, students are required to sit in the bleachers during the event. Congregating near fences, concessions, gates, etc., is not permitted.
    • Fireworks will be set off after the Homecoming Game; therefore, the grassy area on the North Endzone will be closed for seating/standing for the entirety of this football game. 
    • The following actions are prohibited: sitting on shoulders, climbing fences or buildings, rough-housing, etc. 
  • Sportsmanship/Cooperation: We ask all attendees to be respectful of opponents, coaches, officials, fans, and players, and comply with requests from police, administration, staff, and officials to help maintain a safe environment. Attendees not adhering to the guidelines of the event will be asked to leave the premises.
    • Please no throwing sports equipment (i.e. frisbees, footballs, etc.), food or food wrappers, glass or plastic bottles, and cans. 

Thank you for your cooperation and support in making our events safe and enjoyable for all.


Memory Book Staff Applications Due Today

We need two editors and five photographers to make our book this year. Applications are due today. If you need more time or have questions email



We use Flex by Securly to schedule our intervention period each Monday – Thursday. Students must register for an activity each day, so it’s a great opportunity to talk with your students about where they can use help. Please ensure your student is signing up each day for the upcoming days and weeks. They must sign up by 3:00 pm the day before the activity, so plan ahead!

Parking Lot Light Installation

They will be installing parking lot lights on Thursday, September 19. Several parking spaces in both the south and north parking lot will be blocked to allow for crane access and installation. Please be mindful of the construction work and steer clear of any active installation. To avoid any damage to your vehicle, please park in the spaces along the outside edge of each parking lot. The installation should only impact parking on Thursday, September 19.

Food Deliveries 

We have mentioned before that students are not allowed to have food services like DoorDash delivered to the school. We would ask that, as parents, you avoid delivering food yourself to students whenever possible. In the event that you feel it necessary to bring your child food, please bring it into the school to the attendance office. Do not have your student meet you at the curb, as this presents a number of safety concerns. We will send a note for your student, but they should not be out of class or the cafeteria to wait for the food.