Community Council

Minutes (3/17/25)

Present: Curtis Jenson (CJ), Kennedy Murdock (KM), Michelle Hollist (MH), Lindsay Branca (LB), Emily Barrow (EB)

Meeting Opens at 4:04 PM.

Approved Minutes for Feb 2nd. 

Review Proposed Land Trust 

  • CJ went over the 2 goals for South Jordan Middle’s plan. 
  • MH and LB signed and voted to pass it. For absent members an email vote will be sent out.

Honors Classes

  • SCC would like to keep honors classes going in all levels.

Standard Based Grading

  • All teachers will be using the same grading system as they have been using during the current year.
  • South Jordan Middle will continue to evolve to Stand Based Grading as guided by Jordan School District 

The meeting adjourned at 5:16 PM.

–Kennedy Murdock 

South Jordan Middle

SCC Secretary