Community Council

Minutes (12/9/24)

South Jordan Middle School Community Council

Present: Curtis Jenson (CJ), Jessica Tenny (JT),, Lynsey Allred (LA) , Michelle Hollist (MH), Sara Nichols (SN), Melanie Pew (MP)

Meeting Open at 4:09 PM. 

Minutes for 10/17/24 approved.

CJ Covered school safety–Prevention Plan. Talked about walking paths. Ambassadors need a more defined role in the school. Safety of protables–need peepholes for safety. Verify without keypads are part of the lock/unlock system.

CJ covered Digital Citizenship. No set curriculum from the district. Different classes address some of the different aspects. CJ will attend a meeting about Digital Teaching and Learning Grant later this month.

Currently using Land Trust for

  • 1 FTE for Math/ELA/Science
  • 0.5 for SpEd (Math Resource)
  • 0.625 FTE for counselor support better ratios

Priorities for next year regarding Land Trust and TSSA.

  • CJ will send out a draft with proposed plans for next year. Will be voted on at next meeting.
  • Focus to help support students needing more growth
  • Reduce class sizes
  • Extra counselor

CJ gave Citizenship Grading overview: Rubric in place on Canvas. Communication to parents has not been extensive.

CJ went over new cell phone. Overall it has been amazing.

MP gave a brief summary of PCCRs, Safe UT, Multicultural club is growing, Registration coming up.

–Lynsey Allred

South Jordan Middle

SCC Secretary