Parent Square

BHS Arena Scheduling

Arena Scheduling Opens April 30 

Arena Scheduling is opening SOON! Current 9th Grade Students who will attend Bingham High School will be able to view their schedules on Tuesday, April 30, starting at 7:00 AM. Arena Scheduling will be open at 4:00 PM on April 30 and remain open until Midnight on May 1. 


If you need help or have questions, BHS Counselors will be available via ZOOM or IN PERSON on Tuesday, April 30, from 4:00-5:00 PM. 

As a reminder, BHS follows the JSD Guidelines for Class Changes. You can view the Class Change Guidelines Using this Link
If this is your first time using Arena Scheduling, check out the resources on the BHS Counseling Page. Unfortunately, our amazing SoJo Counselors cannot assist with BHS scheduling, so please utilize the online resources or attend the help session at BHS on April 30.

Parent Square

Memory Books, Multicultural Week, SBO Elections, Testing

Memory Books $35 until May 17

Memory Books can be purchased through Skyward or by coming to the main office for $35 until May 17. The PTA has ordered a limited number of Memory Books. If you would like a Memory Book, please make sure to order one today. Memory Books will be distributed on May 30.

Multicultural Week at SoJo April 15-19

SoJo is celebrating Multicultural Week April 15-19. We will have PROWL and Lunch Time Activities throughout the week. We encourage students to participate in Cultural Dress Day on Friday, April 19. 

Students can wear anything that is rooted in historical or modern culture. Can be garments, jewelry, and/or accessories. Please make sure items represent your student’s identity and are school appropriate.

Ideas for Culture Dress Day:

  • Traditional Dress: Sari, Pioneer Outfit, Kimono, Flamenco Dress, Pa’u, Kilt, MuuMuu, Hanfu, Sarafan, Kediyu, Punjab, Huipil, Tehuana, Hanbok, Kanzu,  Dashiki, Keffiyeh, Beret… 
  • Jewelry: Turquoise, Maasai Beadwork, Gold and Jade, Leather, Bangles, Religious Necklace…
  • Family Specific: Military, Disney, Video Games, Nature, History… 

Multilingual Family Night @BHS April 23

JOIN US, Thursday, April 23, as we CELEBRATE student successes, LEARN about the WIDA test and what the results mean for students, and GROW our multilingual community! Registration and Information

24-25 SoJo SBO Elections April 23 Deadline

  • Do you want to make a difference at our school? 
  • Do you want to be involved in serving and leading your classmates here at SOJO? 

SBOs are responsible, hardworking students who care about their school’s culture. The main responsibilities of a SBO include planning school activities, spirit weeks, and assemblies that promote positivity at our school. If you are interested in running for SBO, pick up an application in the main office or from Mrs. Mastin-Call in room 701. All applications are due to Mrs. Mastin-Call by April 23rd!

End of Year Testing

End-of-year testing is fast approaching. Here is some information that will help you prepare: 

9th graders will take the Utah Aspire Plus. Utah Aspire Plus is a hybrid assessment for 9th and 10th grade students created through collaboration with Utah educators, the Utah State Board of Education, and Pearson. The test uses ACT Aspire and Utah assessment questions. Students will receive a predicted ACT composite score if they complete the entire exam. The assessment evaluates knowledge and skills that students should have by the end of grades 9 and 10 in English, reading, mathematics and science. To find out more about Utah Aspire Plus, please visit the Aspire Plus webpage.

Because the test is strictly timed ,the test will be administered on a block schedule on April 25th and 26th: Thursday’s Schedule; Friday’s Schedule. Students will take the English test in their Geography class and the Reading test in their Language Arts class. Math and Science will be administered in their math and science classes, respectively. Please ensure your student fully charges their Chromebook the night before and have them bring their charging cords to school the morning of the test. Also, Students are not allowed any kind of additional electronic device during the test. This includes cell phones, smartwatches, and/or logging into their Chromebook other than to access the test. Wired headphones/earbuds are allowed and students are encouraged to bring their own if at all possible. Bluetooth headphones/earbuds are not allowed.

7th and 8th graders will take the RISE test. The RISE assessment is a computer adaptive criterion referenced assessment system that includes summative tests for English Language Arts (ELAs), Mathematics, and Science. The Writing test will only be administered in 8th Grade Language Arts classes, on April 25th and 26th. ELA, Math, and Science tests will be administered the week of May 13-17th. As with the Aspire test, please ensure your student fully charges their Chromebook the night before and have them bring their charging cords. Students may not access any other electronic device during testing. Wired headphones/earbuds are allowed and students are encouraged to bring their own if at all possible. Bluetooth headphones/earbuds are not allowed.  

Parent Square

Multicultural Week, SBO Elections, Rec Passes, Summer Courses

Industry Tour (9th) and Job Shadow (8th) on Tuesday, April 9th

  • 9th Grade Students will be participating in the Industry Tour from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Students have been given their tour assignments. 
  • 8th Grade Students will be out in the community participating in Job Shadow Day.
  • 7th Grade Students will follow their regular schedule.
  • Questions can be directed to the Counseling Office.

Multicultural Week at SoJo

SoJo is celebrating Multicultural Week April 15-19. We will have PROWL and Lunch Time Activities throughout the week. We encourage students to participate in Cultural Dress Day on Friday, April 19. 

Students can wear anything that is rooted in historical or modern culture. Can be garments, jewelry, and/or accessories. Please make sure items represent your student’s identity and are school appropriate.

Ideas for Culture Dress Day:

  • Traditional Dress: Sari, Pioneer Outfit, Kimono, Flamenco Dress, Pa’u, Kilt, MuuMuu, Hanfu, Sarafan, Kediyu, Punjab, Huipil, Tehuana, Hanbok, Kanzu,  Dashiki, Keffiyeh, Beret… 
  • Jewelry: Turquoise, Maasai Beadwork, Gold and Jade, Leather, Bangles, Religious Necklace…
  • Family Specific: Military, Disney, Video Games, Nature, History… 

Multilingual Family Night at Bingham High School

JOIN US as we CELEBRATE student successes, LEARN about the WIDA test and what the results mean for students, and GROW our multilingual community! Registration and Information

24-25 SoJo SBO Elections

  • Do you want to make a difference at our school? 
  • Do you want to be involved in serving and leading your classmates here at SOJO? 

SBOs are responsible, hardworking students who care about their school’s culture. The main responsibilities of a SBO include planning school activities, spirit weeks, and assemblies that promote positivity at our school. If you are interested in running for SBO, pick up an application in the main office or from Mrs. Mastin-Call in room 701. All applications are due to Mrs. Mastin-Call by April 23rd!

Rec Center Passes Free to Kids Under 18

Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation is offering the My County Rec Pass to Salt Lake County residents, ages 5–18. 

Pre-Registration Opens: April 1 and pass activates June 1. Parents/guardians may sign up their 5–18 year old(s) at a Salt Lake County operated recreation center. Both child and guardian must register in person. Parent/guardian must bring ID or proof of Salt Lake County residency.

Summer Online Course Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for summer online classes. Any students interested should meet with their counselor to enroll as soon as possible. Parents can also contact counselors by emailing or calling 801-412-2910. 

Parent Square

SBO Applications 2024 – 2025

Do you want to make a difference at our school? Do you want to be involved in serving and leading your classmates here at SOJO? THEN APPLY TO BE A STUDENT BODY OFFICER FOR NEXT YEAR!

SBOs are responsible, hardworking students who care about their school’s culture. The main responsibilities of a SBO include planning school activities, spirit weeks, and assemblies that promote positivity at our school.

If you are interested in running for SBO, pick up an application in the main office or from Mrs. Mastin-Call in room 701. All applications are due to Mrs. Mastin-Call by April 23rd!!

Parent Square

Spring Recess, Dress Code, & 4th Quarter

The end of 3rd Quarter and Spring Break are nearly upon us. Just a reminder that we won’t have school on Monday, March 25th for Grade Transmittal Day, and the rest of the week (March 26-29th) is Spring Recess. We’ll see students back for the 4th Quarter on April 1st – no joke!

Dress Code Reminder

With the advent of spring and warmer weather, we need to remind you that students need to be covered from the top of one armpit to the other, down to approximately mid-thigh – with a closed back and connected over the shoulder. We see a lot of short shorts and exposed belly buttons with warmer weather, and we don’t want anyone to be surprised when we ask them to change or assign them to a Prowl session to ensure they understand the standard we adhere to at school and across the school district. 

We will be reminding students regularly, but help from home to adhere to these guidelines makes all the difference!

Heroes Among Us

Jordan School District invites all faculty, students, and families to Heroes Among Us to hear the inspiring stories of remarkable individuals who have shown unwavering dedication to our community. Join us at West Jordan Middle from 5-7 pm on April 3rd to hear our speakers share their struggles, successes, and life lessons. Bring your questions about mentoring, career paths, and internship opportunities for your students.

Pizza dinner will be served! RSVP HERE to secure your spot! Please see the attached flyer for more information! 

Heroes Among Us_English Flyer

Heroes Among Us_Spanish Flyer

Parent Square

Memory Book Photos, Concerts


PRINT DEADLINE – All memory book pages, except for high school sports, are complete, and most have been sent to print. We are no longer accepting photos for anything but sports.

SPRING SPORTS GROUP PICS- PROWL Wednesday, March 13th: SJMS students who play on spring sports teams on the high school level, your group photos will be taken for the memory book on Wednesday. Team members can dress in uniform, or everyday clothing, work together to coordinate. No retakes.


  • Spring sports: All teams except for girls basketball. Take at games, practice, etc.
  • Fall and Winter Sports: girls volleyball, boys basketball, wrestling.

Email photos to

Orchestra Spring Concert RESCHEDULED for Tonight

The Orchestra Spring Concert has been rescheduled to tonight Tuesday, March 12, at 6:30 PM. The concert was scheduled for March 5, but that is Caucus Night in Utah. We apologize for the late change. If you have specific questions of concerns please reach out to our Orchestra Director, Celeste Ercanbrack

Choir Concert Thursday

Our spring choir concerts will be this Thursday. The 7th grade choirs begin at 6:00 pm, and the 8th and 9th grade choirs will start at 7:30 pm. As with all of our performances, members of the community are invited whether or not you have a student in the choir.

Parent Square

Orchestra, Spirit Night, & School Dance

Orchestra Spring Concert RESCHEDULED

The Orchestra Spring Concert has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 12, at 6:30 PM. The concert was scheduled for March 5, but that is Caucus Night in Utah. We apologize for the late change. If you have specific questions of concerns please reach out to our Orchestra Director, Celeste Ercanbrack

Registering for Bingham High School (Current 9th Graders)

  • Course Selection on March 7th During Science Classes
    • Counselors from BHS will be at the school on Thursday, March 7, to help students make course selections in Skyward. Students should be ready with what they hope to take at that point.
  • Modified Arena Scheduling Will Open in late April
    • BHS counselors will have entered course requests and required courses. Students will then be able to adjust their own schedules within the limitations of availability.

Student Check-Out Process

When your child is at school, we are responsible for them. In order to keep everyone as safe as possible, schools across the district require a parent or guardian to come into the attendance office and show ID before they can sign out their student. In the event of an emergency, your emergency contacts can check your student out. However, we need you to verify as the parent/guardian that you approve this one-time checkout. Because we have a closed campus, students who leave the school without being checked out by a parent/guardian will be marked as truant. Please do not ask your student to leave school without checking out through the attendance office first. Thank you for your cooperation and support!

PTSA Spirit Night 

Grab dinner at Chick-fil-A in The District TOMORROW Tuesday, March 5th! The PTSA gets 20% of all sales. You mention South Jordan Middle School for us to get the money. Be sure to tell the cashier you are there for Spirit Night!

School Dance This Friday

The SoJo PTSA is hosting our first ever Red Carpet Gala this Friday night from 7-9 pm in the gym. Come for dancing, games, a photo booth, a prize raffle, and lots of fun. You can dress like you’re headed for the red carpet, or just come as you are. Just remember to follow the school dress code. You will enter the school at the doors near the gym on the front of the school. See you there – especially if you want to chaperone!

Memory Book 

Here are a few things to be aware of heading into the spring:

PRINT DEADLINE – All memory book pages will be final and sent to print on March 11th. 

SPRING SPORTS – Tryouts are wrapping up. If your freshman makes a team, be prepared to submit candids and action shots from practices/games quickly. We will take team pics one day (TBD), no retakes. Email pics and concerns ASAP.


  • Ambassador Candids
  • Honor Orchestra Group Photo
  • Collage Photos – Students not involved in school activities only
  • Photos of 9th grade students who play on the following high school teams: girls volleyball, basketball, wrestling, swim, soccer. 

We are no longer accepting football, cross country, tennis, mountain biking, 9th Grade Baby or performing arts photos. Email to

Parent Square

BHS Registration, SoJo Dance & Spirit Night

Registering for Bingham High School (Current 9th Graders)

It’s time to start thinking about high school. There are some upcoming dates and items that should be on your radar in the next few weeks, and you can always get more information by visiting the BHS counseling website.

Here’s how you can help your student be prepared for this process:

  • Pay Attention in Science Class This Week
    • Current 9th grade students will be shown a presentation between now and Tuesday in their science classes detailing available elective and required courses, and providing an overview of the course selection process.
  • Encourage Participation in the JATC EXPO at SoJo on Tuesday, February 27th
    • During 6th and 7th period, students from the Jordan Academy for Technology Careers (JATC) will be presenting to students about pathways and programs available to students through JATC in high school. 
  • Visit the BHS Sophomore EXPO on Tuesday, February 27th
    • All 9th grade students are invited to the Bingham High School auditorium on Tuesday, February 27 from 6-8:00 pm for Sophomore orientation.
      • Learn how course requests work
      • Get important info on registration and class scheduling
      • Review graduation requirements
      • Learn about the BHS clubs and teams by walking around the expo
      • Meet your counselor!
      • Ask any questions about BHS or high school in general
    • If you are a parent and want information, this is the best time to get it!
  • Course Selection on March 7th During Science Classes
    • Counselors from BHS will be at the school to help students actually make course selections in Skyward. Students should be ready with what they hope to take at that point.
  • Modified Arena Scheduling Will Open in late April
    • BHS counselors will have entered course requests and required courses. Students will then be able to adjust their own schedules within the limitations of availability.

This is a lot of information. As long as your student pays attention in science, and you attend the events listed above, someone will be on hand to answer all of your questions and walk you through the process.

PTSA Spirit Night

Come and support our wonderful PTA by visiting Chick-fil-A in South Jordan at the District on Tuesday, March 5th from 5 – 7 pm. 20% of all proceeds go to the SoJo PTA, which supports events like teacher appreciation week, school dances, and so much more.

Red Carpet Gala (School Dance)

Our phenomenal PTA has organized our first-ever evening school dance for next Friday, March 8th, from 7 – 9 pm in the gym/cafe. The dance is open to all SoJo students, and parents interested in chaperoning are also welcome to attend. If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact Casey Bloehme with the PTA. The theme is Red Carpet Gala, but students are welcome in any attire as long as it follows the school dress code. We’ll see you there!

Memory Book – Last Call for Collage Pics

We need your child in the memory book! Have them take photos with their classmates, friends, or solo and email them before March 1st!

We also need action/candid photos of 9th grade students who play on the following high school teams: 

  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Wrestling
  • Swim
  • Soccer 

No longer accepting cross country, tennis, mountain biking, 9th Grade Baby or performing arts photos. Email to

Parent Square

BHS Registration Information

Registering for Bingham High School (Current 9th Graders)

It’s time to start thinking about high school. There are some upcoming dates and items that should be on your radar in the next few weeks, and you can always get more information by visiting the BHS counseling website.

Here’s how you can help your student be prepared for this process:

  • Pay Attention in Science Class This Week
    • Current 9th grade students will be shown a presentation between now and next Tuesday in their science classes detailing available elective and required courses, and providing an overview of the course selection process.
  • Encourage Participation in the JATC EXPO at SoJo on Tuesday, February 27th
    • During 6th and 7th period, students from the Jordan Academy for Technology Careers (JATC) will be presenting to students about pathways and programs available to students through JATC in high school. 
  • Visit the BHS Sophomore EXPO on Tuesday, February 27th
    • All 9th grade students are invited to the Bingham High School auditorium on Tuesday, February 27 from 6-8:00 pm for Sophomore orientation.
      • Learn how course requests work
      • Get important info on registration and class scheduling
      • Review graduation requirements
      • Learn about the BHS clubs and teams by walking around the expo
      • Meet your counselor!
      • Ask any questions about BHS or high school in general
    • If you are a parent and want information, this is the best time to get it!
  • Course Selection on March 7th During Science Classes
    • Counselors from BHS will be at the school to help students actually make course selections in Skyward. Students should be ready with what they hope to take at that point.
  • Modified Arena Scheduling Will Open in late April
    • BHS counselors will have entered course requests and required courses. Students will then be able to adjust their own schedules within the limitations of availability.

This is a lot of information. As long as your student pays attention in science, and you attend the events listed above, someone will be on hand to answer all of your questions and walk you through the process.

Memory Book Sales Drive

All students who purchase a Memory Book before February 20th will be put into a huge drawing. Books will still be available for purchase after the 20th. Not sure if you have purchased one? Check the glass in the Main Office for a master list.

Everyone who has purchased a book so far this year will be automatically entered to win. Prizes include gift cards to: Nike, Chick-Fil-A, Scheels, Swig, Raising Canes, Glenmoor Golf Course and candy!PHOTOS NEEDED! Last call for candid photos of your students at school for collage pages! We also need action/candid photos of 9th grade students who play on the following high school teams: Football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, swim and soccer. No longer accepting 9th Grade Baby or performing arts photos. Email to

Parent Square

Panorama Survey

Students, it’s time to take the Panorama survey once again. We use this survey to check in with all of you about how school is going, and to help us know how to help you. Please answer honestly, and know that we really do look at the results.

You can access your surveys by visiting and entering your student ID number as your access code.