Community Council

Minutes (10/3/22)

South Jordan Middle School Community Council

Official minutes- Monday, October 3, 2022

Present: Kristy Ives (KI), Curtis Jenson (CJ), Jennifer Ngatuvai (JN), Stephanie Rich (SR), Lindy Christensen (LC), Tracy Miller (TM), Marilyn Richards (MR), Jessica Tenney (JT), Sara Nichols (SN)

Absent: None

Meeting opened at 4:20 by CJ

Motion by JN to approve KI as chair for the 2022-2023 school year; 2nd by SN; approved. Motion by KI to approve JN as vice-chair for the 2022-2023 school year; 2nd by SN; approved. Motion by LC to approve SR as secretary for the 2022-2023 school year; 2nd by SN; approved.

CJ led discussion of Land Trust plan; SN questioned how we measure effectiveness of monies spent on goals.  CJ responded with RTI and PLC data and conversations.

CJ led discussion of TSSA plan. SN suggested leading indicators need to be reviewed. CJ introduced the Panorama protocol to the panel.  Growth data will be added to the plan. It was mentioned due to Covid many students are struggling with “How to do school” and thus students lack the ability to be successful. KI stated attitude is key. JN and SN mentioned we need to implement more consistency in departments from teacher to teacher. CJ said the goal is to have departments on the same page in regard to SBG and deadlines. KI mentioned 9th grade should be housed in the middle school. MR and TM agreed but there is not the space to do so. A discussion was held as to how to make SBG more consistent. TM stated the goal is to have SBG fully implemented in all middle schools by the 2023-2024 school year. SR explained SBG in the same manner as the 7th grade students were taught it. SN asked how we can help accomplish the goals we have set. Since both plans have been previously approved there was not a motion for approval. SR pointed out there are some adjustments to be made with teacher names and CJ said there are some to be made in regards to dollar amounts as well.  Changes will be made and reviewed prior to the next meeting and testing data will be added as soon as it is available.

It was moved by JN to change the November meeting to 11/14 at 4:00pm 2nd by SN.

Next meeting will be November 14 at 4:00. 

Meeting adjourned at 5:32 with motion by JN; 2nd by SN.

–Stephanie Rich

South Jordan Middle School

SCC Secretary