
Parent Conferences, Reflections, & Retakes

We have a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks, from parent conferences to picture retakes and the Reflections art contest. Check it out, and we’ll see you out there.

No School on September 22nd

Friday, September 22nd is designated as a professional development day for teachers, which means that students get the day off. We appreciate the time to work with teachers to improve the experience for students, and we appreciate your support.

Parent Conferences

Parent conferences will be held on September 27th (In-Person) and 28th (Virtual) from 4 – 7:30 pm. You do not need an appointment for the in-person night, but line length can vary. For the virtual night, you will schedule appointments in Skyward later this week. There will be no school on Friday, September 29th as a compensatory day for teachers due to the late nights of parent conferences. 

Please know that teachers are available at any time of year, and not just during parent conferences. If you can’t make it, just reach out to the teacher and make an appointment, send them an email, or give them a call after school. Parent conferences are a great way to do it, but are definitely not the only way.

Picture Retakes

Picture retakes will be offered on October 5th. The link and access code are the same as they were for the original pictures if you didn’t make an order at that time:

Access Code V2GFTQ78

Student Survey

This Tuesday, students will be taking our district’s Panorama Survey. This survey will be given to students during 2nd period, and should only take about 15-20 minutes. Students will be asked how they think and feel about school. Here is a link to some of the questions that your student may be asked.

This data will be used alongside academic, behavioral, and attendance records in order to support the whole child. By using Panorama our school will be able to act on data and plan solutions at the school, classroom, and student level. This survey is not a curriculum, nor is it a mental health screener. Thank you so much for your support at home. 

PTA Reflections Contest

Does your child love art? Have them submit their work for the 2023 Reflections contest. The theme this year is, “I am hopeful because…” Students submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Submissions are due October 10th, and can be submitted here.

Phones, headphones, personal items

All personal items brought to school are the responsibility of the student. Students should not leave items unattended in the cafe, locker room, classrooms or hallways. This includes student backpacks. We have had several students upset because they cannot find their phone or headphones. Unfortunately, we cannot find them either. If students are worried about their backpack at lunch; they can put items in their locker. There is a five minute passing period between lunch and class where they can go back to their locker. The school has a lost-and-found in the Attendance Office. Students may check there, but the school cannot be responsible for lost items. Please help us help your students by reminding them to keep track of their personal belongings, and to make use of their locker.