Community Council

Minutes (12/4/23)

South Jordan Middle School Community Council

Official minutes- Monday, December 4, 2023

Present: Curtis Jenson (CJ), Jennifer Ngatuvai (JN), Stephanie Rich (SR), Lindy Christensen (LC), Marilyn Richards (MR),  Lindsey Branca (LB), , Kami Taylor (KT), Tracy Miller (TM), Sara Nichols (SN), Jessica Tenney (JT)

Absent: none

Meeting opened at 4:07 by CJ.

Motion by JN to approve the October minutes. 2nd by SN.

MR led discussion updating the parking lot plan. SN asked a follow up question. JN gave feedback. The council was given a draft of the map. CJ responded to concerns and questions.

CJ led discussion on Digital Citizenship and School Safety. The council was given a copy of the agenda which included data on school violations. CJ answered questions related to the violations report. JN asked what misconduct entails. CJ replied it is student misconduct that does not fit another category. CJ explained the phone light system. 

CJ led a discussion on the current School Prevention Plan and gave copies to the council. He explained all of the preventative measures currently in place. He answered questions related to the plan. 

JN gave feedback about PROWL and asked if it could be implemented at BHS. CJ answered questions. LB asked about the Student Wellness Room. CJ and LC answered questions about the room and its use. 

CJ led discussion of current Land Trust and TSSA plans. Previous areas of spending were:

  1. Reductions in Class Size, Specifically in Math & Language Arts
  2. Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support
  3. Additional Counseling Services
  4. Professional Development & Planning Days
  5. Instructional Coaching (ideally, 1 coach per period)
  6. Chromebook Replacements (~$50,000 / year, if needed)

CJ answered questions and explained all areas of spending. JN asked about the coaching process. CJ explained the process and how we utilize our coaches in our building. 

CJ asked if there were other things the SCC would like to look at funding. JN suggested sending a survey to teachers and asking them how the funds should be spent. SN detailed how a similar survey was utilized at the elementary school. JT said she thought it would be beneficial.  CJ will draft the plans and send them out before the next meeting. LB asked how to get information on the PTA. LC answered questions. CJ explained PTA memberships and memory books have to be removed from Skyward. LB explained some of the new procedures related to PTA. CJ will talk to the PTA and report back. 

JN asked about the bus drop off schedule and the doors unlocking. JT explained the district sent an email addressing this situation last week. 

Next meeting will be January 22 at 4:00.  

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 with motion by SN; 2nd by JN.

–Stephanie Rich

South Jordan Middle School

SCC Secretary