Orchestra Spring Concert RESCHEDULED
The Orchestra Spring Concert has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 12, at 6:30 PM. The concert was scheduled for March 5, but that is Caucus Night in Utah. We apologize for the late change. If you have specific questions of concerns please reach out to our Orchestra Director, Celeste Ercanbrack
Registering for Bingham High School (Current 9th Graders)
- Course Selection on March 7th During Science Classes
- Counselors from BHS will be at the school on Thursday, March 7, to help students make course selections in Skyward. Students should be ready with what they hope to take at that point.
- Modified Arena Scheduling Will Open in late April
- BHS counselors will have entered course requests and required courses. Students will then be able to adjust their own schedules within the limitations of availability.
Student Check-Out Process
When your child is at school, we are responsible for them. In order to keep everyone as safe as possible, schools across the district require a parent or guardian to come into the attendance office and show ID before they can sign out their student. In the event of an emergency, your emergency contacts can check your student out. However, we need you to verify as the parent/guardian that you approve this one-time checkout. Because we have a closed campus, students who leave the school without being checked out by a parent/guardian will be marked as truant. Please do not ask your student to leave school without checking out through the attendance office first. Thank you for your cooperation and support!
PTSA Spirit Night
Grab dinner at Chick-fil-A in The District TOMORROW Tuesday, March 5th! The PTSA gets 20% of all sales. You mention South Jordan Middle School for us to get the money. Be sure to tell the cashier you are there for Spirit Night!

School Dance This Friday
The SoJo PTSA is hosting our first ever Red Carpet Gala this Friday night from 7-9 pm in the gym. Come for dancing, games, a photo booth, a prize raffle, and lots of fun. You can dress like you’re headed for the red carpet, or just come as you are. Just remember to follow the school dress code. You will enter the school at the doors near the gym on the front of the school. See you there – especially if you want to chaperone!
Memory Book
Here are a few things to be aware of heading into the spring:
PRINT DEADLINE – All memory book pages will be final and sent to print on March 11th.
SPRING SPORTS – Tryouts are wrapping up. If your freshman makes a team, be prepared to submit candids and action shots from practices/games quickly. We will take team pics one day (TBD), no retakes. Email pics and concerns ASAP.
- Ambassador Candids
- Honor Orchestra Group Photo
- Collage Photos – Students not involved in school activities only
- Photos of 9th grade students who play on the following high school teams: girls volleyball, basketball, wrestling, swim, soccer.
We are no longer accepting football, cross country, tennis, mountain biking, 9th Grade Baby or performing arts photos. Email to sojoyearbook@gmail.com.