Parent Square

BHS Registration, SoJo Dance & Spirit Night

Registering for Bingham High School (Current 9th Graders)

It’s time to start thinking about high school. There are some upcoming dates and items that should be on your radar in the next few weeks, and you can always get more information by visiting the BHS counseling website.

Here’s how you can help your student be prepared for this process:

  • Pay Attention in Science Class This Week
    • Current 9th grade students will be shown a presentation between now and Tuesday in their science classes detailing available elective and required courses, and providing an overview of the course selection process.
  • Encourage Participation in the JATC EXPO at SoJo on Tuesday, February 27th
    • During 6th and 7th period, students from the Jordan Academy for Technology Careers (JATC) will be presenting to students about pathways and programs available to students through JATC in high school. 
  • Visit the BHS Sophomore EXPO on Tuesday, February 27th
    • All 9th grade students are invited to the Bingham High School auditorium on Tuesday, February 27 from 6-8:00 pm for Sophomore orientation.
      • Learn how course requests work
      • Get important info on registration and class scheduling
      • Review graduation requirements
      • Learn about the BHS clubs and teams by walking around the expo
      • Meet your counselor!
      • Ask any questions about BHS or high school in general
    • If you are a parent and want information, this is the best time to get it!
  • Course Selection on March 7th During Science Classes
    • Counselors from BHS will be at the school to help students actually make course selections in Skyward. Students should be ready with what they hope to take at that point.
  • Modified Arena Scheduling Will Open in late April
    • BHS counselors will have entered course requests and required courses. Students will then be able to adjust their own schedules within the limitations of availability.

This is a lot of information. As long as your student pays attention in science, and you attend the events listed above, someone will be on hand to answer all of your questions and walk you through the process.

PTSA Spirit Night

Come and support our wonderful PTA by visiting Chick-fil-A in South Jordan at the District on Tuesday, March 5th from 5 – 7 pm. 20% of all proceeds go to the SoJo PTA, which supports events like teacher appreciation week, school dances, and so much more.

Red Carpet Gala (School Dance)

Our phenomenal PTA has organized our first-ever evening school dance for next Friday, March 8th, from 7 – 9 pm in the gym/cafe. The dance is open to all SoJo students, and parents interested in chaperoning are also welcome to attend. If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact Casey Bloehme with the PTA. The theme is Red Carpet Gala, but students are welcome in any attire as long as it follows the school dress code. We’ll see you there!

Memory Book – Last Call for Collage Pics

We need your child in the memory book! Have them take photos with their classmates, friends, or solo and email them before March 1st!

We also need action/candid photos of 9th grade students who play on the following high school teams: 

  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Wrestling
  • Swim
  • Soccer 

No longer accepting cross country, tennis, mountain biking, 9th Grade Baby or performing arts photos. Email to

Parent Square

BHS Registration Information

Registering for Bingham High School (Current 9th Graders)

It’s time to start thinking about high school. There are some upcoming dates and items that should be on your radar in the next few weeks, and you can always get more information by visiting the BHS counseling website.

Here’s how you can help your student be prepared for this process:

  • Pay Attention in Science Class This Week
    • Current 9th grade students will be shown a presentation between now and next Tuesday in their science classes detailing available elective and required courses, and providing an overview of the course selection process.
  • Encourage Participation in the JATC EXPO at SoJo on Tuesday, February 27th
    • During 6th and 7th period, students from the Jordan Academy for Technology Careers (JATC) will be presenting to students about pathways and programs available to students through JATC in high school. 
  • Visit the BHS Sophomore EXPO on Tuesday, February 27th
    • All 9th grade students are invited to the Bingham High School auditorium on Tuesday, February 27 from 6-8:00 pm for Sophomore orientation.
      • Learn how course requests work
      • Get important info on registration and class scheduling
      • Review graduation requirements
      • Learn about the BHS clubs and teams by walking around the expo
      • Meet your counselor!
      • Ask any questions about BHS or high school in general
    • If you are a parent and want information, this is the best time to get it!
  • Course Selection on March 7th During Science Classes
    • Counselors from BHS will be at the school to help students actually make course selections in Skyward. Students should be ready with what they hope to take at that point.
  • Modified Arena Scheduling Will Open in late April
    • BHS counselors will have entered course requests and required courses. Students will then be able to adjust their own schedules within the limitations of availability.

This is a lot of information. As long as your student pays attention in science, and you attend the events listed above, someone will be on hand to answer all of your questions and walk you through the process.

Memory Book Sales Drive

All students who purchase a Memory Book before February 20th will be put into a huge drawing. Books will still be available for purchase after the 20th. Not sure if you have purchased one? Check the glass in the Main Office for a master list.

Everyone who has purchased a book so far this year will be automatically entered to win. Prizes include gift cards to: Nike, Chick-Fil-A, Scheels, Swig, Raising Canes, Glenmoor Golf Course and candy!PHOTOS NEEDED! Last call for candid photos of your students at school for collage pages! We also need action/candid photos of 9th grade students who play on the following high school teams: Football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, swim and soccer. No longer accepting 9th Grade Baby or performing arts photos. Email to

Parent Square

Panorama Survey

Students, it’s time to take the Panorama survey once again. We use this survey to check in with all of you about how school is going, and to help us know how to help you. Please answer honestly, and know that we really do look at the results.

You can access your surveys by visiting and entering your student ID number as your access code.

Parent Square

Parent Conferences & Zoom Links

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences start tonight! The virtual appointments are made on Skyward, and the links to Zoom calls can be found here. Tonight’s conferences will run from 4:00 – 7:30 pm. You can schedule appointments by visiting Skyward as a parent and choosing the ‘Conferences’ option from the menu on the left. Click ‘View Scheduled Times’ for the child you want to schedule, and a list of times will be listed that a teacher has available.

In-person conferences will be on Thursday from 4:00 – 7:30 pm in our gym. There will be no appointments for those conferences.

Above all, remember that you can access a teacher by phone, email or appointment all year long. If you don’t get to talk to a teacher tonight or on Thursday, just reach out and we’ll set up a time that works for you. Thank you for all you do to support our students, and we hope to see you at conferences this week!

There will be no school on Friday, February 16th as a compensatory day for teachers due to the late nights of parent conferences. There will also be no school on Monday, February 19th (Presidents Day).

Panorama Survey This Week

Dear SoJo Middle School Families,

Students will be taking our district’s Panorama SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Survey this week. This is the same surrey given in the fall, winter and spring each year. This survey gives us insight into how students feel about school and helps us drive change for our school culture. This survey will be given to students during class and should only take about 15-20 minutes. Students will be asked how they think and feel about school.  Here is a link to some of the questions that your student may be asked 

This data will be used alongside academic, behavioral, and attendance records in order to support the whole child. By using Panorama our school will be able to act on data and plan solutions at the school, classroom, and student level. This survey:

  • Is not a curriculum
  • Is not a mental health screener
  • Has nothing to do with 2nd Step
  • Has nothing to do with Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Thank you so much for your support at home. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact your student’s school counselor.

Parent Square

Memory Book Final Voting

It’s time to cast your vote in our polls and Most Likely To… contest. The Most Likely To… finalists are all 9th graders, but anyone in the school can – and should – vote.

Parent Square

Incoming 7th Grader Course Selection

Incoming 7th Grade Open House & Registration

SoJo welcomes incoming 7th grade students to an Open House on Tuesday, February 6. Sessions will begin every 30 minutes at 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, and 6:00 PM. You should plan to be at the school for about an hour. The evening will include a welcome and overview from SoJo’s administrative team, a chance to meet SoJo teachers and learn about classes available to 7th grade students, and on-site registration with the help of SoJo’s counseling team.

You will need to know your Student or Parent Skyward Login in order to register on Tuesday night. Please make sure you can login. You can contact your elementary school’s main office if you do not know how to login to Skyward.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday night and welcoming you to SoJo. The only thing you need to bring is your Skyward login. We will be on hand to help with the rest. Instructions on course selections can be found on the SoJo website under counseling. The link for 7th grade sources will be live Tuesday night – 7th Grade link – requests need to be made by Friday, February 9.

Wellness Day, Feb 9 (No In-Person Classes)

Jordan School District has converted Friday, February 9th, 2024 into a Wellness Day for employees, students, and families.Together with your family, we invite you to participate however you see fit. There are activities for students of all ages to help them focus on their own health and wellness. The resources are available on the JSD Wellness website ( so you can make choices about what would be most helpful and appropriate for members of your family. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the heart icon labeled with the appropriate grade
level of your student(s).

Students do not need to submit their work from Wellness Day. There will be no school meals, busing, or access to teachers or staff on Friday, February 9, 2024. We encourage participation for your students and yourself in a united effort to build well-being skills as a family unit and as members of our school community.

The true prize of Wellness Day is a greater sense of well-being, as well as more tools in our wellness toolboxes. This year, we are excited to announce a chance to win prizes for participating in the wellness activities! To enter, please complete an activity (or a few) then fill out a Google Form to enter the drawing to receive a prize. We are all winners on Wellness Day!

The Jordan School District takes their role seriously as a support to the learning that happens within the family. We hope you will find these resources helpful in promoting greater health and wellness in your families and our community. Wishing you wellness!

It’s Hope Week!

Students in Building

Students are welcome to enter the school at 7:30 AM and should exit the school by 3:15 PM. We realize there are exceptions, but those should be limited. If you need to bring your student before 7:30 AM or pick them up after 3:15 PM, the students can wait in the vestibule (the glass entry) near the main office. 

Special Education Transition Fair

The Special Education department is excited to announce an in-person, Special Education Transition Fair for 2024 and would love for you to join us! There will be over twenty community resources attending to help answer any post-secondary questions for our students and families.

The Transition Fair will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 27 from 4 – 7 p.m. at West Jordan Middle School. We hope that you will be able to attend! For questions please contact Ashley Calhoun at 801-567-8208or

Memory Book

Memory Book Sales Drive – It’s time to buy your Memory Book! Only 15 more days to purchase in order to be included in the huge drawing! Purchase today on Skyward or in the Main Office. If you have already bought one, or buy yours by February 20th, you will be entered into a drawing for gift cards to: Nike, Chick-Fil-A, Scheels, Swig, Raising Canes, Glenmoor Golf Course and candy!

9th Grade Most Likely To and Polls will be open and on the schools website this week. All students at SJMS are invited to vote.

Parents, make sure your student is in the Memory Book. Staff is still collecting photos of students at school for collage pages, sports action/candids, and band concert photos. Email to

Author Dinner with Dan Jones

Jordan Education Foundation is partnering to offer an evening with British Historian, author, broadcaster, and award-winning journalist Dan Jones. Not only is this a chance to enjoy an evening hearing from Dan Jones, you will also be supporting the grant programs of JEF. Teachers, history buffs, and fans of Dan Jones are all welcome! Tickets can be purchased individually or you can choose to sponsor a table. More details can be found on this flyer. JSD Educators can request sponsored attendance. Registration information is available here.

Parent Square

Course Selection, Parent Conferences, & Wellness Day

Current 7th Grade Registration for 8th Grade

Today in Science class, students were taught how to request courses for next school year. Instructions on course selections are on the SoJo website under counseling. If you are currently in 7th grade, you are registering for 8th grade, so please click on the 8th Grade link. Requests are due by Thursday. February 1. Parents, please work with your student on creating requests for next school year. Schedules will not be available until August.

If you are a current 6th grader, your course selection will happen on February 6 in the evening.

If you are a current 9th grader, registration happens later in the spring.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Save the date! Our 2nd semester Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on February 13 & 15, 2024. Tuesday the 13th is virtual and Thursday the 15th is in person. Sign-Ups for Virtual Appointments (Feb 13) will be available next week.  

Don’t forget that Friday, February 9th is Health & Wellness Day!

Together with your family and/or friends, we invite you to participate in JSDs Wellness Day. There are activities for students of all ages to focus on our own health and wellness. This year, we are excited to announce a chance to win prizes for participating in the wellness activities. To enter, please complete an activity (or a few) then complete this Google Form to enter the drawing to receive a prize. We are all winners on Wellness Day!

Remember that the building will be closed to students on Friday so that we can work on our wellness at home while the adults of our building do the same at the school. We can’t wait to hear what you all get up to!

Memory Book Goal – Get Every Student in the Book 2 times!

Our Memory Book Staff is working hard to make sure your student is on the portrait page AND at least one additional page. We need parents and students to help to reach our goal! Send in photos of SJMS students at school ASAP. They can be taken in the halls, lunchroom, classroom with teacher permission, field trips, on the bus, etc. We will do our best to use them all! (Priority is given to photos of students who are not already on other pages.)

We are still accepting action photos of students who play freshman sports at Bingham or other high schools for our sports collage page. 
Email photos to

Parent Square

Course Selection, Door Dash, & Job Fair

Mental Wellness Screening & Workshops

Jordan School District’s Health and Wellness Department is offering Mental Health Screenings and Mental Health Workshops on January 30. This flyer includes information about workshop times and a link to sign up for screenings.

Current 8th Grade Registration for 9th Grade

Today in Science class, students were taught how to request courses for next school year. Instructions on course selections are on the SoJo website under counseling. Requests are due by Thursday. Please work with your student on creating requests for next school year. Schedules will not be available until August.

If you are a current 7th grader, your course selection will happen from January 28t to February 2nd.

If you are a current 6th grader, your course selection will happen on February 6 in the evening.

If you are a current 9th grader, registration happens later in the spring.

No DoorDash/No Meeting Students in Parking Lot

It’s a brave new world when it comes to food delivery, but please know that we don’t accept DoorDash for students (either on their own or ordered by parents). Not only does it cause a significant disruption to kids trying to time coming to get it while in class, but it’s actually also against the terms and conditions of DoorDash and other similar services to deliver to anyone under the age of 18.

SoJo is a closed campus. That means students also cannot meet you in the parking lot to pick up food or other items you want to drop off. We also understand there are times when you need to bring something to your student. For those times, please come into the Attendance Office so we can call your student down. 

JSD Job FairAre you looking for a job with Jordan School District? Do you know someone who is looking for a great place to work? Please come to the JSD Job Fair on Wednesday, January 24, from 6:00-8:00 PM at Copper Mountain Middle School. We will be actively interviewing for hard-to-fill teaching positions and several Educational Support positions like classroom aide, campus monitor, and office support. All schools in JSD will be represented.

Community Council

Minutes (1/22/24)

South Jordan Middle School Community Council

Official minutes- Monday, Jan 22, 2024

Present: Curtis Jenson (CJ), Jennifer Ngatuvai (JN), Stephanie Rich (SR) , Marilyn Richards (MR), Tracy Miller (TM), Sara Nichols (SN), Jessica Tenney (JT)

Absent: Lindy Christensen (LC), Lindsey Branca (LB)

Meeting opened at 4:08 by CJ .

Motion by JN to table the approval of the December minutes. 

CJ shared the Land Trust plan $176,000 and TSSA $255,000 amounts. 

CJ led discussion on USBE report card. He shared PROWL and Panorama data. JT led a discussion on mental health issues. SN shared how hard it is to find the balance for teens.

CJ led discussion of current Land Trust; there are two main goals as outlined in the distributed handout: Academic Improvement and Mental Health Supports. 

SR explained co-taught strategies as some of the funding will be utilized to fund co-taught mathematics classes. CJ answered questions and explained all areas of spending. 

CJ led discussion of current TSSA; there are three main goals as outlined in the distributed handout. Instructional Coaching Component- the coaching process was explained. Professional Development Component- funding was explained for PD. School-Based Initiatives Component- efforts to improve social/emotional resources were explained. 

Final draft of both plans will be available to be voted on at the March 11th meeting. 

JT asked for clarification on SBG and where the district is headed with it. JT feels like SoJo is moving forward but parents are not seeing consistency throughout the district. CJ used the example of retakes and the system being different between teachers. CJ explained the fundamentals of SBG and gave examples. 

Next meeting will be March 11 at 4:00.  

Meeting adjourned at 5:28 with motion by SN; 2nd by JN.

–Stephanie Rich

South Jordan Middle School

SCC Secretary

Parent Square

Lockdown Drill on Thursday

Just a quick reminder that we will be holding a Lockdown Drill during Prowl (9:50 to 10:20 am) on Thursday, January 18. The drill will include practice inside the classroom and will also include an evacuation outside. Students will be going outside and should dress appropriately for potentially snowy conditions.