Parent Square

Retakes, College Week, & SCC

Picture Retakes Tomorrow

Picture retakes will be offered tomorrow, October 5th. The link and access code are the same as they were for the original pictures if you didn’t make an order at that time:

Access Code: V2GFTQ78

College Week

It’s college week next week, and we have a theme each day that will involve a dress-up options, lunchtime activities, and messaging from our counseling department. Here’s what to look forward to:

  • Monday – My Future is So Bright I Have to Wear Sunglasses
    • Wear bright colors and sunglasses (teachers may ask you to remove them during class)
  • Tuesday – Don’t Sleep on Preparing for Your Future
    • Wear Pajamas (school appropriate, of course)
  • Wednesday  – Dress for Success
    • Wear nice clothes/business attire
  • Thursday – Rep Your College
    • Wear college gear
  • Friday – Remember Where You Came From
    • Wear SoJo gear

Community Council 

Our first community council meeting of the year will be held on Monday, October 16th at 4 pm in the main office. The school community council is responsible for our land trust plan, and serves as a method of parent and community input on other plans and issues affecting our school. The meeting is open to the public, and we meet in the main office conference room unless there are enough attendees we need to move to the media center.

Parent Square

Parent Conference Info

Our parent-teacher conferences are this Wednesday (In-Person) and Thursday (Virtual) from 4- 7:30 pm both nights. You do not need an appointment for the in-person night on Wednesday. To schedule an appointment for Thursday, log into Skyward. If you select an appointment for Thursday, you can access the Zoom links here. All Zoom links will be updated by Thursday before the conferences begin.

If you attend conferences in the gym tonight, please be aware of other parents and keep conversations to less than five minutes per teacher. If you need more time than that, we are happy to set up another time to talk.

Above all, please remember that while parent conferences offer a great chance to meet with multiple teachers in a single night, teachers and staff are available year-round via email, phone, or in-person appointment. If there is ever anything you wonder about or would like to address, please don’t feel you have to wait for the conference to bring it up.

In addition, if a line is long or you don’t get the appointment slot you need, just reach out to the teacher and pick another day and time to talk. We love working with your wonderful children, and good two-way communication makes a huge difference for everyone.

Parent Square

Panorama Survey

We want to know how school is going so we know how to help you have a good experience. Take a moment to take our survey.

Your student number is your access key.

Parent Square

Parent Conferences, Reflections, & Retakes

We have a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks, from parent conferences to picture retakes and the Reflections art contest. Check it out, and we’ll see you out there.

No School on September 22nd

Friday, September 22nd is designated as a professional development day for teachers, which means that students get the day off. We appreciate the time to work with teachers to improve the experience for students, and we appreciate your support.

Parent Conferences

Parent conferences will be held on September 27th (In-Person) and 28th (Virtual) from 4 – 7:30 pm. You do not need an appointment for the in-person night, but line length can vary. For the virtual night, you will schedule appointments in Skyward later this week. There will be no school on Friday, September 29th as a compensatory day for teachers due to the late nights of parent conferences. 

Please know that teachers are available at any time of year, and not just during parent conferences. If you can’t make it, just reach out to the teacher and make an appointment, send them an email, or give them a call after school. Parent conferences are a great way to do it, but are definitely not the only way.

Picture Retakes

Picture retakes will be offered on October 5th. The link and access code are the same as they were for the original pictures if you didn’t make an order at that time:

Access Code V2GFTQ78

Student Survey

This Tuesday, students will be taking our district’s Panorama Survey. This survey will be given to students during 2nd period, and should only take about 15-20 minutes. Students will be asked how they think and feel about school. Here is a link to some of the questions that your student may be asked.

This data will be used alongside academic, behavioral, and attendance records in order to support the whole child. By using Panorama our school will be able to act on data and plan solutions at the school, classroom, and student level. This survey is not a curriculum, nor is it a mental health screener. Thank you so much for your support at home. 

PTA Reflections Contest

Does your child love art? Have them submit their work for the 2023 Reflections contest. The theme this year is, “I am hopeful because…” Students submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Submissions are due October 10th, and can be submitted here.

Phones, headphones, personal items

All personal items brought to school are the responsibility of the student. Students should not leave items unattended in the cafe, locker room, classrooms or hallways. This includes student backpacks. We have had several students upset because they cannot find their phone or headphones. Unfortunately, we cannot find them either. If students are worried about their backpack at lunch; they can put items in their locker. There is a five minute passing period between lunch and class where they can go back to their locker. The school has a lost-and-found in the Attendance Office. Students may check there, but the school cannot be responsible for lost items. Please help us help your students by reminding them to keep track of their personal belongings, and to make use of their locker.

Parent Square

What’s Prowl?

10 days in, and it feels great! We can never say this enough, but thank you for raising such wonderful children. Everyone has pretty much settled into the routine of school again, and there is just such an energy and excitement to learning and growing that you don’t find anywhere else.

In this week’s Skylert, we’re going to spend most of our time talking about Prowl.

What’s Prowl?

Prowl is a dynamic class period that happens Monday through Thursday from 9:50 – 10:20 am that will change day-to-day and week-to-week based on the needs and interests of students. Through our electronic scheduling system, Edficiency, students now have the ability to see available options for things offered during Prowl, and can request help from specific teachers during that time. Teachers likewise have the opportunity to request students they feel could use extra help or reinforcement of things covered previously. All sessions fit one of the following five categories:

  • LEARN – A place where I go and learn something I missed or didn’t understand the first time.
  • ASK – A place where I go to ask questions about things I’m working on, or need help with.
  • TEST – A place where I can take or retake a test or complete an assessment.
  • STUDY – A place where I can work on homework alone or in groups.
  • EXPLORE – A place where I can do something in that subject area that’s more hands-on and I’m not graded in any way.

Students will see a variety of options, from ‘LEARN – Review of Mitosis and Cellular Division,’ or ‘STUDY – Open Band Practice Time’ to ‘EXPLORE – Capture the Flag’. If they don’t request a session and no teacher requests them, they are placed with one of their current teachers (if possible). We also use this time to offer clubs and other academic groups to meet like the National Junior Honors Society, although priority is always given to academic needs.

Your student will get an email each morning stating which session they have been assigned based on their requests and the requests of their teachers, and students can request sessions up to a week in advance. We encourage you to look over the options in Edficiency, and to proactively request teachers where they could use extra support. We’re excited to offer access to help and enrichment in new and exciting ways, and we hope you’ll make the most of it!


The book has a section specifically for our 9th graders. Be sure to get your student’s photo in by September 8th. Please check the flier for tips on quality photo selection before you upload them. Submit photos using the following link.


Positions are open to all grades. This link will take you to the application that has detailed information. Apply before the September 8 deadline because a small assignment is required.

MEMORY BOOK COVER CONTEST DEADLINE EXTENDED. SJMS artists, the PTSA wants you to design this year’s cover! Details are in the attached flier, in the Main office and on the PTSA’s Instagram at southjordanmiddleschoolptsa. Submissions are due on September 8th.

Parent Square

Student Survey

Click below to take the district strategic planning survey during your science class.

Parent Square

Picture Day, Hello Week, & Chromebooks

School Pictures Thursday August 31

School pictures will be taken during students’ math class on Thursday, August 31. Students have been given a packet to use for ordering. You can also order online using the following link and access code:

Access Code V2GFTQ78

Hello Week

We Don’t Do DoorDash or Deliveries

It’s a brave new world when it comes to food delivery, but please know that we don’t accept DoorDash for students (either on their own or ordered by parents). Not only does it cause a significant disruption to kids trying to time coming to get it while in class, but it’s actually also against the terms and conditions of DoorDash and other similar services to deliver to anyone under the age of 18. If you choose to bring lunch to your student, they will have to meet you in the attendance office during their lunch. They cannot be excused from class. 

As always, you are welcome to check your student out for lunch.


If your child hasn’t been able to have a Chromebook issued to them because you have not completed the Network Acceptable Use Agreement during registration, you can go back in and accept it by going to the Parent side of Skyward and clicking on Registration for School on the left side of the screen:

From there, choose Go back to review completed steps:

Next, click the Parental Consent section on the right:

After that, scroll down to Network Acceptable Use and make sure that you have selected Yes.

Save your work and you should be good to go!

Parent Square

Welcome Back!

Welcome back, everyone! We just finished our first day with 7th graders, and we can’t wait to have all of our students at school tomorrow. We have a few minor updates below, but the biggest thing we need to put out to all of you is that we need you to complete registration in Skyward as soon as possible. Your student will not be able to use a Chromebook until it’s complete, and there are a variety of other important things that happen during the online registration process.

Parking Lot & Student Drop Off

There are two ways to enter the SoJo Parking Lot from 2700 West: from the south and from the center. 

South: Enter near the Seminary Building to access the South Lot. Be sure to turn into the South Lot and stay out of the Bus Lane. From the SOUTH Lot, you can ONLY exit by turning LEFT on 2700 West.

Middle: Enter near the middle of the parking lot. From the NORTH Lot, you can ONLY exit by turning RIGHT on 2700 West.

You can find a more detailed parking lot map on our school website:

SoJo Memory Book

The South Jordan Middle School PTSA creates our Memory Book. It is their only fundraiser.  All funds raised go directly to our school through PTSA programs. Some of the programs are teacher grants, student activities, teacher appreciation, socials, spirit nights and more. The books are created by volunteer students and PTSA parents. Please consider purchasing one at the Main Office or on Skyward under Fee’s. Be sure to pay your PTSA dues while you are at it. Consider your dues a donation. No time commitment is required.

MEMORY BOOK STAFF IS NEEDED. Positions are Open to all grades. This link will take you to the application that has detailed information. Apply before the September 8 deadline because a small assignment is required.

MEMORY BOOK COVER CONTEST DEADLINE EXTENDED. SJMS artists, the PTSA wants you to design this year’s cover! Details are in the attached flier, in the Main office and on the PTSA’s Instagram at southjordanmiddleschoolptsa. Submissions are due on September 8th.

9TH GRADE BABY PICTURES NEEDED. The book has a section specifically for our 9th graders. Be sure to get your student’s photo in by September 8th. Please check the flier for tips on quality photo selection before you upload them. Submit photos using the following link.

Student Advocates and Learning Modules

We’ve added a new position in our school to help us step in and solve problems before they get to the point of needing a disciplinary action. This ranges from tardies to classroom behaviors, and essentially, this person is going to work with them in a non-discipline setting to solve the problem prior to referring it to administration for consequences. 

Another step in that process can also be having the student complete an asynchronous module through Ripple Effects. Ripple Effects provides lessons on a wide variety of topics, but we will primarily be using it for topics like tardies, respect, anxiety, and bullying. If our counselors feel your student could benefit from a more targeted lesson from Ripple Effects, they will contact you directly prior to allowing the student to access that module.

We are very excited to welcome Kelsey Ulibarri as our student advocate. You probably already know here if you’ve ever visited our attendance office.

Bingham Girls Lacrosse

The upcoming lacrosse season at Bingham High School. We will be starting fall ball practices and super sevens, a fun fall league, soon and would love any freshman who are interested. Previous playing experience isn’t necessary. They can reach out to me directly at or find us on our instagram: @binghamgirlslax.

Parent Square

Updated Back-to-School Night Times

Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, we are moving our Back-to-School night times up an hour to allow teachers to participate in a district event.

Back-to-School night will now be from 4 – 6 pm on August 17th.

To accommodate anyone who can’t make it until after 6 pm, the school will remain open to parents until 7 pm as originally planned, although teachers and counselors will not be there after 6 pm. Students will still be able to walk the school, find their lockers and map out their schedule between 6 and 7 pm. Thank you for your understanding in advance!

Parent Square

Schedules Now Available

Once you finish registration and pay your registration, you’ll be able to view your schedule in Skyward. We have done our very best to get you as much of what you requested in the spring as possible. Due to the logistics of balancing the schedules of 1200+ students, we do not make changes to student schedules unless a mistake has been made. If you have questions or feel there is a mistake, please contact your counselor.

Also, please be sure to recheck your schedule before the first day of school. We’ll remind you, but there are rare instances where staffing changes require minor schedule adjustments and it’s always a good idea to check in again on Skyward the day before we start to make sure there are no surprises. Course-specific fees will be added to your Skyward account after the first two weeks of school.