- Safe Walking Routes
- Addendum to 2024-25 Plan
- Draft of 2025-26 Plan
- Feedback on Digital Hall Pass Limits
- Other Topics Proposed by Council, As Time Allows
Category: Community Council
Minutes (12/9/24)
South Jordan Middle School Community Council
Present: Curtis Jenson (CJ), Jessica Tenny (JT),, Lynsey Allred (LA) , Michelle Hollist (MH), Sara Nichols (SN), Melanie Pew (MP)
Meeting Open at 4:09 PM.
Minutes for 10/17/24 approved.
CJ Covered school safety–Prevention Plan. Talked about walking paths. Ambassadors need a more defined role in the school. Safety of protables–need peepholes for safety. Verify without keypads are part of the lock/unlock system.
CJ covered Digital Citizenship. No set curriculum from the district. Different classes address some of the different aspects. CJ will attend a meeting about Digital Teaching and Learning Grant later this month.
Currently using Land Trust for
- 1 FTE for Math/ELA/Science
- 0.5 for SpEd (Math Resource)
- 0.625 FTE for counselor support better ratios
Priorities for next year regarding Land Trust and TSSA.
- CJ will send out a draft with proposed plans for next year. Will be voted on at next meeting.
- Focus to help support students needing more growth
- Reduce class sizes
- Extra counselor
CJ gave Citizenship Grading overview: Rubric in place on Canvas. Communication to parents has not been extensive.
CJ went over new cell phone. Overall it has been amazing.
MP gave a brief summary of PCCRs, Safe UT, Multicultural club is growing, Registration coming up.
–Lynsey Allred
South Jordan Middle
SCC Secretary
Agenda (12/9/24)
1. School Safety
2. Digital Citizenship
3. Priorities for next year’s trust land plan (please see this link for the data that Principal Jenson shared at our last jmeeting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14jfykudTWBF215JXTxiSLHZl4OoXFBDVol0gUOKD-Kg/edit?usp=sharing)
4. New citizenship grading
5. Cell phone policy
Minutes (10/17/24)
South Jordan Middle School Community Council
Present: Curtis Jenson (CJ), Jennifer Ngatuvai (JN), Kennedy Murdock (KM) , Michele Hollist, Tracy Miller (TM), Sara Nichols (SN), Kelly Graham(KG), Lindsay Branca (LB)
Meeting Open at 4:09 PM.
Voted for Chair and Vice Chair and all in favor for Michele (chair) and Jennifer (vice chair).
KG Review what Counseling Center has covered this year that include College Week, Empathy Lessons, Registration, 4 year plan for 8th graders, PCCRS, Safe UT, and College Tours.
CJ review plans for Land Trust and TSSA from last year.
CJ went over safe walking routes
CJ reviewed parking lot
Honors class feedback initially from the council is that honors offers a step between ALPS and honors and regular. Committee feedback is that honors is a good option, but the class should actually be different. They suggested we focus on all honors classes more on writing over the number of books being read.
Question about why our honor roll threshold is higher than in most places. 3.667 is an A- average. 3.5 is between a B+ and A- average.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM.
Agenda (10/17/24)
We will meet in the South Jordan Middle School Main Office Conference Room at 4 pm on Thursday, October 4th. The agenda is as follows:
- Elect a chair/vice chair
- Review rules of order, council roles and responsibilities
- Review Land Trust and TSSA Plans for last year and this year
- Discuss any identified needs with our safe walking routes
- Update/celebrations on parking lot reconfiguration
- Discuss any concerns/ideas from the council or community
- Update on Math Acceleration Options
- Feedback on Honors Discussion for ELA
- District Personal Electronics Policy
Minutes (3/11/24)
- Curtis Jenson, Principal
- Kennedy Murdock, Teacher (observer)
- Jennifer Ngatuvai, Parent
- Sara Nichols, Parent
- Lindsey Branca, Parent
- Stephanie Rich, Teacher
- Marilyn Richards, JSD Board Member
- Tracy Miller, JSD Board President
- The group discussed the approved parking lot renovation project starting this summer.
- Implementing new math software (ALEKS) to provide adaptive homework was discussed, with plans to start in 7th grade and apply for a grant to fund it.
- Changes to the math curriculum and scheduling were mentioned.
- The school’s land trust and TSA budgets and spending plans were reviewed and approved.
- Improving the student checkout process using the intercom system instead of notes was brought up.
Agenda (3/11/24)
- Parking Lot Renovations
- New Math Software
- Land Trust and TSSA Plan Approvals
- School Check-Out Procedures
Minutes (1/22/24)
South Jordan Middle School Community Council
Official minutes- Monday, Jan 22, 2024
Present: Curtis Jenson (CJ), Jennifer Ngatuvai (JN), Stephanie Rich (SR) , Marilyn Richards (MR), Tracy Miller (TM), Sara Nichols (SN), Jessica Tenney (JT)
Absent: Lindy Christensen (LC), Lindsey Branca (LB)
Meeting opened at 4:08 by CJ .
Motion by JN to table the approval of the December minutes.
CJ shared the Land Trust plan $176,000 and TSSA $255,000 amounts.
CJ led discussion on USBE report card. He shared PROWL and Panorama data. JT led a discussion on mental health issues. SN shared how hard it is to find the balance for teens.
CJ led discussion of current Land Trust; there are two main goals as outlined in the distributed handout: Academic Improvement and Mental Health Supports.
SR explained co-taught strategies as some of the funding will be utilized to fund co-taught mathematics classes. CJ answered questions and explained all areas of spending.
CJ led discussion of current TSSA; there are three main goals as outlined in the distributed handout. Instructional Coaching Component- the coaching process was explained. Professional Development Component- funding was explained for PD. School-Based Initiatives Component- efforts to improve social/emotional resources were explained.
Final draft of both plans will be available to be voted on at the March 11th meeting.
JT asked for clarification on SBG and where the district is headed with it. JT feels like SoJo is moving forward but parents are not seeing consistency throughout the district. CJ used the example of retakes and the system being different between teachers. CJ explained the fundamentals of SBG and gave examples.
Next meeting will be March 11 at 4:00.
Meeting adjourned at 5:28 with motion by SN; 2nd by JN.
–Stephanie Rich
South Jordan Middle School
SCC Secretary
Agenda (1/22/24)
Review Land Trust and TSSA Plan Drafts.
Minutes (12/4/23)
South Jordan Middle School Community Council
Official minutes- Monday, December 4, 2023
Present: Curtis Jenson (CJ), Jennifer Ngatuvai (JN), Stephanie Rich (SR), Lindy Christensen (LC), Marilyn Richards (MR), Lindsey Branca (LB), , Kami Taylor (KT), Tracy Miller (TM), Sara Nichols (SN), Jessica Tenney (JT)
Absent: none
Meeting opened at 4:07 by CJ.
Motion by JN to approve the October minutes. 2nd by SN.
MR led discussion updating the parking lot plan. SN asked a follow up question. JN gave feedback. The council was given a draft of the map. CJ responded to concerns and questions.
CJ led discussion on Digital Citizenship and School Safety. The council was given a copy of the agenda which included data on school violations. CJ answered questions related to the violations report. JN asked what misconduct entails. CJ replied it is student misconduct that does not fit another category. CJ explained the phone light system.
CJ led a discussion on the current School Prevention Plan and gave copies to the council. He explained all of the preventative measures currently in place. He answered questions related to the plan.
JN gave feedback about PROWL and asked if it could be implemented at BHS. CJ answered questions. LB asked about the Student Wellness Room. CJ and LC answered questions about the room and its use.
CJ led discussion of current Land Trust and TSSA plans. Previous areas of spending were:
- Reductions in Class Size, Specifically in Math & Language Arts
- Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support
- Additional Counseling Services
- Professional Development & Planning Days
- Instructional Coaching (ideally, 1 coach per period)
- Chromebook Replacements (~$50,000 / year, if needed)
CJ answered questions and explained all areas of spending. JN asked about the coaching process. CJ explained the process and how we utilize our coaches in our building.
CJ asked if there were other things the SCC would like to look at funding. JN suggested sending a survey to teachers and asking them how the funds should be spent. SN detailed how a similar survey was utilized at the elementary school. JT said she thought it would be beneficial. CJ will draft the plans and send them out before the next meeting. LB asked how to get information on the PTA. LC answered questions. CJ explained PTA memberships and memory books have to be removed from Skyward. LB explained some of the new procedures related to PTA. CJ will talk to the PTA and report back.
JN asked about the bus drop off schedule and the doors unlocking. JT explained the district sent an email addressing this situation last week.
Next meeting will be January 22 at 4:00.
Meeting adjourned at 5:15 with motion by SN; 2nd by JN.
–Stephanie Rich
South Jordan Middle School
SCC Secretary