Now that we’re a day into this grand parking lot experiment, we need to make a few crucial adjustments to what we’ve sent out previously:
The Short Version
Stagger your arrival times, use the left lane to get to a spot in the right lane, pull as far around the loop as you can before picking up your child, load from the sidewalk, and only turn right out of the parking lot. Details below.
Staggered Pick-Up
We got through everyone fairly quickly today, but we are going to ask you to please stagger your pickup the rest of this week as much as possible according to the following schedule:
3:00 pm – Last Names A-G
3:10 pm – Last Names H-N
3:20 pm – Last Names O-Z
Early-Bird Drop-Off
Just know that the earlier you get here, the less you’ll be fighting traffic. Everyone seems to arrive at about 7:40 am, so the earlier you arrive, the better. The school doors open at 7:30, so that’s a great time to be here if you’re hoping to avoid the rush.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Pro Tips
Use the left lane of the loop to get to an open spot in the right lane.
If everyone just stays in the right lane, we’re as slow as the slowest car in the line.
Pull as far around the loop as you can before pulling into the right lane.
Everyone wants to be close to the school, but it makes it so that far fewer people can get into the parking lot.
Don’t let your kid get into the car in the left lane.
It means they have to cross in front of another car, which is dangerous. Only load from the sidewalk.
Plan to turn right out of the parking lot.
Sorry. This is temporary, but turning left takes forever, and we don’t want everyone behind you to wait for you to save a few minutes getting home.
Thank you again for your tremendous patience. Today was an absolute blast with your 7th graders, and we can’t wait to see our 8th and 9th graders tomorrow.
For pictures and detailed maps of parking, see our previous post.
Tomorrow is the big day if you’re a 7th grader! If you’re not, then Wednesday is your first day. Either way, we’re excited to have you and can’t wait to welcome you to SoJo! If you’re looking for bell schedules, Hello Week dress-up themes, or other date-specific information, we keep our Google Calendar up-to-date. That same calendar also shows up in Parent Square; just click the detailed view of the calendar event for more info. We also post all Parent Square posts to the school website.
Also, if you were hoping for a map to go over with your student prior to school starting, you can view the classroom map and bell schedules here. We aren’t allowed to post them on the website for security reasons, but we checked and we can send it to you this way since you only get this if you have a verified email address.
Let’s Talk About the Parking Lot
As you can probably guess if you’ve been near the school at all recently, the parking lot is NOT finished. On top of that, 2700 W is undergoing some repaving that also isn’t done. When it rains, it pours. In fact, that’s exactly what pushed everything back so much – we’ve had a lot of rain the last few weeks, and even more the last few days. That rain has identified some new sinkholes both in our parking lot and on 2700 W, making it impossible for crews to pour concrete or lay asphalt. They are working hard to get it done ASAP, but it won’t be done before we start tomorrow.
Expect delays. We’re going to be operating with a smaller parking lot and ongoing construction for the rest of this week. We should have the full parking lot by next week – barring any major weather issues. Please plan for drop off & pick up to take a bit longer to navigate. Watch out for each other and please be patient.
Here’s a picture taken Monday, August 19, showing how the parking looks:
And here are those parts, but labeled:
We’ve divided what follows into four sections:
Drop Off & Pick Up
2700 W Repaving
Drop Off and Pick Up
If you are dropping off or picking up (no parking, please), you will use the outer loop of the north parking lot. For this to work, there are three main things:
Drop off or pick up in the RIGHT lane. Keep the LEFT lane open for movement. Do not stop in the left lane.
Pull as far around the loop as you can.
Students only load from the sidewalk.
Here’s a picture of what we mean:
Again, pull as far around the loop as you can before pulling into the right lane, and keep the left lane moving at all times. No loading from the left lane.
A NOTE ON DROPPING THEM OFF ELSEWHERE: You have the option of dropping your student off further away from the school (7-11, for example), but 2700 W is still going to be under construction. This means there is no shoulder on 2700 W to use to pull over to drop off. If you do this, you will block traffic on 2700 W and make the whole situation even worse. If you drop them off somewhere else to have them walk, don’t do it on 2700 W. We also don’t want you to use residential streets behind the school for that either. Really, our options are limited, so just be as patient as you can be.
The bus lane will be open and functioning. Students will use the sidewalks on both sides of the bus lane to go out to their bus. Students might have to check both sides of the loop to locate their bus. Students will load from the sidewalk. Here’s a picture:
Please do not use the bus lane for drop off or pick up – even after buses leave. More buses may come in, and it just sends mixed signals to kids about what part of the parking lot is for what. If you’re not a bus, don’t go in the bus lane.
Whether you’re walking to seminary or walking to and from the school, the outside sidewalks on the north and south sides of the school are where you’ll walk. NOTE: The south side is still having a bit of concrete poured as marked with the red ‘x’ below, so students will walk across the asphalt for that small stretch. See the picture for more:
Above all else, just don’t walk anywhere there is active construction going on. We’ll have people out to guide you, but also encourage your children to use the sidewalks and don’t go out where things are obviously unfinished.
2700 W Repaving
Like our parking lot, the repaving of 2700 W is about two weeks behind schedule due to sinkholes and soft spots. They keep finding them just like we did in the parking lot. They will be digging up the soft spots and fixing them right in front of the school today and tomorrow morning. This means that you will be driving in the modified lanes pictured below:
Note that those lines we put on the picture aren’t there in real life. Instead, you’ll be driving around cones – just like you used to do in driver’s education. While we can’t require you to only make a right turn out of the parking lot, it will help tremendously if you can plan ahead and route yourself home by turning right when you leave the parking lot. There is no center lane to turn into if you’re going left, so right makes it much faster to get out.
Final Parking Lot Thoughts
This is the world of construction and natural weather events. We wish it weren’t so, but it is. Please, please read and follow these instructions, and please, please, please be patient with each other and the process. We hope to be basking in new and expanded parking lot glory next week, but this week is going to be slow, frustrating and full of caution tape. Plan ahead, and plan for it to be slow.
We’ll keep you updated if the process changes via ParentSquare and on our website. Thank you in advance for your patience.
August 14 – In this message you will find information about:
Virtual Back to School Night
Finding your bus number/schedule
7th Grade First Day Schedule – Tuesday, August 20
All Students Schedule – Wednesday, August 21
Parking Lot Updates and Instructions
Load and Unload Only Until Construction is Complete
Virtual Back to School Night
We want you to meet our amazing faculty! We are sorry we are unable to welcome you in-person before the first day of school. Use this link to view video welcome messages from teachers, counselors, and our librarian. For those of you new to SoJo, don’t worry about not seeing the school in advance. 7th Grade will spend the whole first day learning about SoJo and there are lots of people here to help you be successful. We look forward to seeing you in-person next week.
Finding Your Bus Number & Schedule
If you are eligible to ride a bus, you can find details in Skyward or on the district Planning & Enrollment site. In Skyward: look for “Bus Stops” or “Busing” in the menu. You can also enter your address on the district planning website. If the address indicates your student is eligible for a bus, you will be able to click the link provided to see the available bus stops. You may also confirm bus stop information with the Transportation Department at 801-567-8840.
7th Grade First Day – Tues, Aug 20
7th Grade students will attend school from 8:00-12:00 on Tuesday, August 20. Buses will be available in the morning and to take students home at noon. The morning bus schedule will be the time listed in Skyward.
The first day is all about learning how to navigate SoJo. Don’t stress about being new – everyone is new and we will spend the time helping you find your way. There will be no breakfast or lunch served on Tuesday, August 20.
Please have 7th grade students bring a pen or pencil and know their first period teacher. That is all they will need. We will hand out a printed schedule to each student in their first period class – as long as they know who their first period teacher is, we will help with the rest.
All Students Schedule – Wed, Aug 21
Wednesday, August 21, is the day all students will be at SoJo. We will run on a regular schedule, 8:00 AM-3:00 PM. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Buses will run on the schedule shown in Skyward.
Parking Lot Updates and Instructions
The photo included in this message was taken Wednesday, August 14. There will be some additional asphalt completed prior to the first day of school and we will send another photo next week. Please note: the south parking lot will not be available for parking on the first day of school. We will have the ability for drop off and pick up only.
For those of you wondering why we took on such a big project, please know the whole goal was student safety. We had too many areas where students crossed in front of or around buses and cars. Yes, it would have been amazing to have it completed for day one, but getting it right is also important. Our construction crew has been really stellar. There were some unexpected and unavoidable delays due to weather and materials. They have put in extra hours during the weekdays and weekends. We are grateful for their commitment to helping us keep SoJo Safe.
We need your help. We need your patience. We need you to follow the guidelines.
Guideline #1: Students should only enter or exit a vehicle from the sidewalk. This is true for students who ride the bus or come by car. There is no designated loading along 2700 West. If you choose to park in the parking lot and wait, your student must use the crosswalk to access the parking lot. Please help students use appropriate paths so everyone is safe.
Guideline #2: There is a single entrance and exit for each lot. Be mindful of cars around you – merge with patience and keep traffic flowing. Be mindful of 2700 West and do not block traffic.
Guideline #3: There are two lanes for vehicles to drop off or pick up. If you are in the right lane, you can stop to load or unload. If you are in the left lane, you should be moving to the exit. Remember vehicles may be exiting from the parking area so please be mindful of vehicles trying to merge.
Guideline #4: Buses have the right of way. The U-Shaped center section is for buses only. Please do not pull into that area. Allow buses to merge on 2700 West, and be prepared to yield if a bus is pulling out.
Load and Unload Only Until Construction is Complete
The larger south parking lot should be completed in September. Until it is complete, we will have limited visitor parking available. We know the first day of school is a popular time to capture those first day moments on your camera. We are sorry, but we do not have space to accommodate that. Please help us keep the drop-off and pick-up lanes moving smoothly. Please limit check-out and school visits to absolute necessities until our parking lot is complete.
The parking lot is split into three sections: a north parking lot, a center bus only lane, and a south parking lot.
The photo shows the completed North Parking Lot.
Enter from 2700 West.
The loop is for drop off and pick up.
Use the right (outside) lane for drop off and pick up. Use the left (inside) lane for thru traffic.
Students can enter and exit cars from the sidewalk.
If you park and enter the school, cross at the crosswalk.
The South Parking Lot will have a completed outside loop when school begins.
Enter from 2700 West.
The loop is for drop off and pick up.
Use the right (outside) lane for drop off and pick up. Use the left (inside) lane for thru traffic.
Students can enter and exit cars from the sidewalk.
The parking area will be completed as soon as possible.
The Bus Lane will be completed when school begins.
Students will enter and exit the bus from the sidewalk.
Welcome back, SoJo! We’re not quite to the start of school just yet, but we get a lot of questions as school gets closer, so here’s a rundown of things you’ll see in this update:
Important Back-to-School Dates
Registration Information
Parking Lot Renovations
Open Positions
Memory Book & PTSA Membership
Schedule Changes
Virtual Back-to-School Night Information
First Days of School Schedules
Bell Schedules
Dress Code Reminders
Community Council Nominations
Frequently Asked Questions (Schedules, Lockers, School Tours, etc.)
7th Grade Immunization Requirements
Important Dates
August 7: Immunization Clinic, 10:00 am to Noon AT MONTE VISTA ELEMENTARY
August 7: Registration Opens / Schedules Available
August 15: VIRTUAL Back to School Night
August 16: All incoming 7th grade immunizations need to be emailed/faxed to us
August 20: First Day for 7th Graders, 8 am – 12 pm
August 21: First Day for All Students, 8 am – 3 pm
August 30: School Picture Day (Makeup Pictures October 9th)
Registration Information (August 7th)
Online registration for the 2024-25 school year opens on August 7th on Skyward, and this is also the day that class schedules will be available. Registration must be completed prior to school starting, including required immunizations for 7th graders. Online registration includes a variety of information and consent forms from the school and district, payment of school registration fees, and the option to add lunch money to your student’s account, etc.
Course-specific fees (different from school fees) will not be available to pay in Skyward until August 30th, once we have gone a week or two and can make sure we don’t charge a fee for a class you don’t end up taking.
Note: If you need assistance with fees, please contact an administrator and fill out this application. If you need help paying for school lunch, see this page for more info, and instructions on completing a free and reduced lunch application.
Parking Lot Renovations
Our parking lot overhaul is in full swing, and it’s going to be tight getting it finished by the end of school. Here’s a picture of it today:
As you can see, there’s still a lot to do, and we’ll likely be seeing it worked on right up to the first day of school. We’ll send out parking instructions a day or two before school starts, and any other updates as needed as we go along.
The most important thing is that we are going to be an active construction site with no sidewalk access to the front of the school for a while, so please call in lieu of coming in. We’re still here and the school is still open for business, but the construction crews have asked that we keep it to employees for now and do business with the public over the phone. This means back-to-school night and walking the school will all have to be virtual this year. More on that below.
Open Positions
We have several part-time positions opening for applications in our main office:
Attendance Office
Counseling Office
Student Advocate
If you are interested, make sure to apply ASAP at The positions should be live later today.
Memory Book & PTSA Membership
The home of memory book purchases has changed! Instead of Skyward, you can now purchase your memory book at this link, as well as join our incredible PTSA. The PTSA is a great way to give back to the school community and get involved in events and activities that support your student. Please consider joining, and we appreciate the ongoing support of our phenomenal parent community!
Schedules Available August 7th
Once you finish registration and pay your registration and class fees, take a look at your schedule in Skyward. We have done our very best to get you as much of what you requested in the spring as possible. Due to the logistics of balancing the schedules of 1200+ students, we do not make changes to student schedules unless a mistake has been made. If you have questions or feel there is a mistake, please contact your counselor.
Also, please be sure to recheck your schedule before the first day of school. We’ll remind you, but there are rare instances where staffing changes require minor schedule adjustments and it’s always a good idea to check in again on Skyward the day before we start to make sure there are no surprises.
VIRTUAL Back-to-School Night (August 17th)
Back-to-School Night is typically your chance to come and tour the school, meet your teachers, ask questions, and try finding classes and opening your locker. Because of the construction, we’ll have to do this virtually this year. On August 17th, we’ll post welcome videos to both the school to individual teachers. These will remain up until school starts, and we’ll send them out via ParentSquare and post them on the website. If you need to have a personal conversation about the specific needs of your student, please contact the teacher and set up a meeting after that date.
We are unable to allow school walkthroughs before the first day of school because of construction. Above all, please remember that all 7th graders get a half day on August 20th that is just them and our entire staff. We’ll walk them through their schedule, talk about how lunches work, show them the media center, help them open their lockers, and all of the things you would normally do on Back-to-School night. We’ll have lots and lots of help, so try not to worry in the meantime.
7th Grade Orientation / First Half Day of School (August 21st)
This day is set aside just for 7th graders. We’ll walk them through their schedule, talk about how lunches work, show them the media center, help them open their lockers, and all of the things you would normally do on Back-to-School night. We’ll have lots and lots of help, so try not to worry in the meantime.
School runs from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. Buses will pick up and drop off students, and no breakfast or lunch will be served.
First Day of School for All Students (August 22nd)
This is our first full day of school with all students, and will run on our normal schedule – 8 am to 3 pm. Students will go directly to their 1st period class, and we’ll have lots of adults in the halls to help them find it.
Bell Schedules
We have all seven classes every day, and a late start schedule on Fridays. Monday through Thursday, we also have PROWL, which is an intervention time for students to get help in specific areas. The bell schedule can be found here.
Dress Code Reminders
It’s the time of year that you’re looking at back-to-school shopping, so it’s good to reiterate the district dress code for all Jordan School District schools. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s an illustration that makes it easy to see:
Beyond that, we expect students to dress in a way that does not disrupt the learning environment or pose a safety risk to others. More detailed guidelines can be found here.
School Community Council Nominations
Want to get involved? Our school community council plays a vital role in our budgeting, instructional planning, and safety discussions. We meet four to five times a year, and would love to have you join us. Visit our School Community Council page to nominate yourself or someone else to join the team.
Do I get a locker? Yes, but you aren’t required to use it. Your locker number and combination will be in Skyward, and we can help you give it a try during 7th Grade Orientation.
Can I come in and tour the school before school starts? Nope. Sorry. It’s been a hard no from the construction crews to have the public coming in before school starts en masse. But don’t worry – we’ll take good care of your student during 7th grade orientation!
What are your summer hours? We’re open daily from 8 am to 3 pm for new registrations, questions, etc. Just give us a call (over coming in).
How do I keep up on what’s going on at SoJo?
Parent Square updates go out weekly once school starts – usually on Monday afternoons – and will always also be posted on the school website at the same time. We also keep a Google Calendar for important dates, events, and happenings at the school that you can subscribe to on your phone.
Is my student eligible to ride the bus?
The district provides a lookup tool here where you can enter your address and get busing information, including eligibility, stop locations, pickup times, and boundaries.
Where should my student walk to school?
Each year, we evaluate and update the safest routes for students in our boundaries to use when walking to school. Please visit this page to see the map.
Immunization Information
How do I turn them in?
Because of parking lot construction, please don’t try to come into the school to turn in any documents. Send it via email to, or fax it to 801-412-2930.
What immunizations are required?
We are legally required to have proof of immunization before a student can start 7th grade. The following vaccines are required for students entering seventh grade:
1 TDAP Vaccine
3 Hepatitis B
2 Hepatitis A
2 Varicella (Chickenpox) – A history of disease is acceptable, as long as parent signs a verification statement
1 Meningococcal
TDAP Vaccine Dosage Recommendations:
Adolescents 11-18 years of age who have not received the Tdap vaccine should receive a single dose of Tdap vaccine followed by Td booster doses every 10 years thereafter. Tdap vaccine can be given regardless of when the last tetanus- and diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine was given. Unvaccinated teens or those behind schedule should receive three doses of Td with a one-time dose of Tdap substituted for one of the doses in the series.
For more information on immunization requirements, visit Immunize Utah.
You made it! We’re heading into our last week of school, and we have a lot of excitement planned to send everyone off to summer in a good mood. We’ve got all the information you need below. Have fun, and stay classy!
9th Graders will go to 1st period and then go from there to the KIVA and Lagoon.
7/8th Graders will go to a shortened version of the schedule with Field Day at the end of the day. Dress to get wet, but also follow the school dress code.
Our parking lot will be under construction – they actually started this morning! Access to the school will be very limited. We’ll be here, but call over coming in.
We’re including what we’ve sent out the last few weeks below for more detailed information:
Tuesday, May 28 – Normal Schedule, Normal Day
Nothing fancy.
Wednesday, May 29 – Lagoon Day for 9th Grade Students
9th Grade students are invited to go to Lagoon on Wednesday, May 29. Students can purchase their pass directly from Lagoon by visiting and using the discount code ‘Jordan2024’ to purchase a full day pass for $54 (full cost, tax included). You can download the complete flyer here.
Please note that May 29th is a public day at Lagoon, so the park will be open to all patrons from 9:30 am to 9:00 pm. Students who want to stay past 5:00 pm will have to arrange their own return transportation.
Wednesday, May 29 – Field Day for 7th & 8th Graders
We will have shorter classes for 7th and 8th graders, followed by Field Day organized by our SBOs at the end of the day. There will be activities where students might get wet, although getting wet will not be required. The school dress code still applies to all activities.
NOTE: Students who are repeatedly tardy to class or skip class altogether may lose the ability to attend Lagoon Day or Field Day. Similar consequences may be given for repeated or severe behavior incidents.
Thursday, May 30 – Last Day for 7th Grade and Memory Book Signing
The last day for 7th Grade students is Thursday, May 30. Students will attend the full day from 8:00-3:00. Memory Books will be distributed on Thursday, May 30. If your student is not in attendance, they can pick up their Memory Book in the main office beginning Friday, May 31. We will not distribute Memory Books before May 30. Please read the note on Memory Books at the end of this Skylert for more information. The schedule for our Memory Book Signing Day can be found here.
Friday, May 31 – Last Day for 8th & 9th Grade
The last day of the 2023-2024 school year is May 31. 8th and 9th Grade students will attend on a half-day schedule. School will be held from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Breakfast will be served. Lunch WILL NOT be served. The schedule for our last day can be found here. Students will not be allowed in the building after 12 pm so that we can have our end-of-year faculty meeting.
Memory Books
There is a list posted by the Main Office of all those who have purchased a Memory Book. If your student wants a Memory Book, please have them check the list to make sure their name is on it!
Sales on Skyward are now closed. There will be a CASH ONLY table on Memory Book Day (May 30th) selling whatever supply we have left for $35.
Please pay any fines/fees BEFORE May 30th. Students who are missing library books, textbooks, or have Chromebook fines will have their Memory Book held until the item is returned or the fine is paid.
Memory Books will be distributed Wednesday, May 30st.
Any Memory Books not picked up that day will be available in the Main Office!
Buses will take 9th grade students from SoJo to Lagoon on Wednesday, May 29. The bus will leave from SoJo at 9:00 AM and return from Lagoon at 5:00 PM. We anticipate the students being back at the school around 6:00 PM. There is no cost to ride the bus, but a permission slip must be turned in to the main office. Download the information/permission form here or pick one up in the main office.
Permission forms are due back to the main office by Friday, May 24th. Please note that May 29th is a public day at Lagoon, so the park will be open to all patrons from 9:30 AM to 9:00 PM. Students who want to stay past 5:00 PM will have to arrange their own return transportation.
Lagoon Tickets – Purchase before May 29
9th Grade students are invited to go to Lagoon on Wednesday, May 29. Students need to purchase their pass directly from Lagoon; SoJo is not selling Lagoon tickets. To get a ticket, visit and use the discount code Jordan2024 to purchase a full day pass for $54 (full cost, tax included). Tickets must be purchased before you arrive at Lagoon – no on-site sales will be available. You can download the complete flyer here.
We are in our last two weeks of school and time is flying. Here’s a rundown of things you need to know as we wrap up the year.
Monday, May 20 – Thursday, May 23 – Afternoon Prowl
We are running a test to see if having our Prowl intervention period in the afternoon works better than in the morning. Prowl will be after 6th period this week. You can see the Bell Schedule by clicking here. Let us know how it goes!
Thursday, May 23 – Chromebook Check-In
Students will return their Chromebooks during their Language Arts classes. Please read the note on Chromebooks at the end of this Skylert for more information on how you can prepare to return them.
Friday, May 24 – Locker Clean-Out
Students will empty their lockers at the end of the day on Friday, May 24.
Monday, May 27 – No School (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 28 – Normal Schedule, Normal Day
Nothing fancy.
Wednesday, May 29 – Lagoon Day for 9th Grade Students
9th Grade students are invited to go to Lagoon on Wednesday, May 29. Students can purchase their pass directly from Lagoon by visiting and using the discount code ‘Jordan2024’ to purchase a full day pass for $54 (full cost, tax included). You can download the complete flyer here.
Buses will take students from SoJo to Lagoon leaving from SoJo at 9:00 am and returning from Lagoon at 5:00 pm. There is no cost to ride the bus, but a permission slip must be turned in to the main office. Download the information/permission form here. Permission forms are due back to the main office by Tuesday, May 28th. Please note that May 29th is a public day at Lagoon, so the park will be open to all patrons from 9:30 am to 9:00 pm. Students who want to stay past 5:00 pm will have to arrange their own return transportation.
Wednesday, May 29 – Field Day for 7th & 8th Graders
We will have shorter classes for 7th and 8th graders, followed by Field Day organized by our SBOs at the end of the day. There will be activities where students might get wet, although getting wet will not be required. The school dress code still applies to all activities.
NOTE: Students who are repeatedly tardy to class or skip class altogether may lose the ability to attend Lagoon Day or Field Day. Similar consequences may be given for repeated or severe behavior incidents.
Thursday, May 30 – Last Day for 7th Grade and Memory Book Signing
The last day for 7th Grade students is Thursday, May 30. Students will attend the full day from 8:00-3:00. Memory Books will be distributed on Thursday, May 30. If your student is not in attendance, they can pick up their Memory Book in the main office beginning Friday, May 31. We will not distribute Memory Books before May 30. Please read the note on Memory Books at the end of this Skylert for more information. The schedule for our Memory Book Signing Day can be found here.
Friday, May 31 – Last Day for 8th & 9th Grade
The last day of the 2023-2024 school year is May 31. 8th and 9th Grade students will attend on a half-day schedule. School will be held from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Breakfast will be served. Lunch WILL NOT be served. The schedule for our last day can be found here. Students will not be allowed in the building after 12 pm so that we can have our end-of-year faculty meeting.
Memory Books
There is a list posted by the Main Office of all those who have purchased a Memory Book. If your student wants a Memory Book, please have them check the list to make sure their name is on it!
Sales on Skyward are now closed. There will be a CASH ONLY table on Memory Book Day (May 30th) selling whatever supply we have left for $35.
Please pay any fines/fees BEFORE May 30th. Students who are missing library books, textbooks, or have Chromebook fines will have their Memory Book held until the item is returned or the fine is paid.
Memory Books will be distributed Wednesday, May 30st.
Any Memory Books not picked up that day will be available in the Main Office!
Check Student Chromebooks, Library Books, and Fines
We are nearing the end of the year, and now is a good time to check if there are any outstanding fines or fees. There are two places to check: 1. Skyward – to see current fines and fees. 2. Destiny – to see items that are assigned/loaned to each student. If a student has outstanding fines or fees, there may be a delay in picking up their memory book.
If you will be ending the year early for a vacation or other reasons, please turn in your Chromebook before you leave to avoid any charges for an unreturned Chromebook.
All students will return their Chromebooks on Thursday, May 23. Fines will be assessed for Chromebook damage and for missing charging cords. Students with fines will not be able to get their Memory Books, so please check Skyward for any fines before and after May 23. If a student returns a Chromebook that is not theirs, the full cost of a lost Chromebook will be assessed. Chromebook mix ups happen more often than you might think. If there is more than one JSD student in a household or if students complete homework together, they can pick up someone else’s Chromebook. Here is a video to help you check if the Chromebook the student has is the Chromebook they are supposed to have.
Summer Things
SoJo Parking & Access: We will be getting an entirely new parking lot. This means we’ll have limited to no access to the physical school over the summer. We’ll still be here, but you may need to call instead of coming in.
Robotics Camp: Bingham High School is offering a Robotics Camp June 25-27. More information about registration can be found on this flyer.
SL County Rec Passes: The Salt Lake County Recreation Department is offering free passes to any resident of Salt Lake County under 18 years of age. This means every county pool, rec center, etc. will be open to our students at no cost. Visit any Salt Lake County Rec Center to pick up/turn in an application.
Credit Recovery Options: Current 9th grade students who have failed any required courses have make-up options available to them this summer. You can see the options on this document. You can also contact the SoJo Counseling Department if you have questions. JFE Summer Classes: If you’re looking for other support over the summer, the Jordan Family Education Center has a wide variety of classes and other resources. For more, check out their website.
Dive into our Ecosystem Biology Project (Project Info Link) this summer and have it ready by Wednesday, September 4. Why wait? Start early to enjoy your summer without the last-minute rush!
We are halfway through RISE testing, and we appreciate how hard your students have worked on the assessment, and throughout the school year. We have a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks, and we encourage you to check out the school calendar and website for the most up-to-date information about year-end events.
The most common questions we get are about the last few weeks of school, so here is a rundown of the events that week:
Monday, May 20 – Thursday, May 23 – Afternoon Prowl
We are running a test to see if having our Prowl intervention period in the afternoon works better than in the morning. Prowl will be after 6th period this week. Let us know how it goes!
Thursday, May 23 – Chromebook Check-In
Students will return their Chromebooks during their Language Arts classes. Please read the note on Chromebooks at the end of this Skylert for more information on how you can prepare to return them.
Monday, May 27 – No School (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 28 – Normal Schedule, Normal Day
Nothing fancy.
Wednesday, May 29 – Lagoon Day for 9th Grade Students
9th Grade students are invited to go to Lagoon on Wednesday, May 29. Students can purchase their pass directly from Lagoon by visiting and using the discount code ‘Jordan2024’ to purchase a full day pass for $54 (full cost, tax included). You can download the complete flier here.
Buses will take students from SoJo to Lagoon leaving at 9 am and leaving Lagoon at 5 pm. There is no cost to ride the bus, but a permission slip must be turned in to the main office. Download the information/permission form here. Permission forms are due back to the main office by Tuesday, May 28th. Please note that May 29th is a public day at Lagoon, so the park will be open to all patrons from 9:30 am to 9 pm.
Thursday, May 30 – Last Day for 7th Grade and Memory Book Signing
The last day for 7th Grade students is Thursday, May 30. Students will attend the full day from 8:00-3:00. Memory Books will be distributed on Thursday, May 30. If your student is not in attendance, they can pick up their Memory Book in the main office beginning Friday, May 31. We will not distribute Memory Books before May 30. The schedule for our Memory Book Signing Day can be found here.
Friday, May 31 – Last Day for 8th & 9th Grade
The last day of the 2023-2024 school year is May 31. 8th and 9th Grade students will attend on a half-day schedule. School will be held from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Breakfast will be served. Lunch WILL NOT be served. The schedule for our last day can be found here.
Memory Books
There is a list posted by the Main Office of all those who have purchased a Memory Book. If your student wants a Memory Book, please have them check the list to make sure their name is on it!
You may purchase a Memory Book on Skyward Family Access or in the Main Office for $35.00. Online and in person sales end May 17th (or while supplies last).
Please pay any fines/fees BEFORE May 30th. Students who are missing library books, textbooks, or have Chromebook fines will have their Memory Book held until the item is returned or the fine is paid.
Memory Books will be distributed Wednesday, May 30st. (No books will be released early.) There will be a table for CASH ONLY SALES at the signing party for $35.00.
Any Memory Books not picked up that day will be available in the Main Office!
Check Student Chromebooks, Library Books, and Fines
We are nearing the end of the year, and now is a good time to check if there are any outstanding fines or fees. There are two places to check: 1. Skyward – to see current fines and fees. 2. Destiny – to see items that are assigned/loaned to each student. If a student has outstanding fines or fees, there may be a delay in picking up their memory book. All students will return their Chromebooks on Thursday, May 23. Fines will be assessed for Chromebook damage and for missing charging cords. Students with fines will not be able to get their Memory Books, so please check Skyward for any fines before and after May 23. If a student returns a Chromebook that is not theirs, the full cost of a lost Chromebook will be assessed. Chromebook mix ups happen more often than you might think. If there is more than one JSD student in a household or if students complete homework together, they can pick up someone else’s Chromebook. Here is a video to help you check if the Chromebook the student has is the Chromebook they are supposed to have.
ARENA SCHEDULING is opening SOON! Current 9th Grade Students who will attend Bingham High School will be able to view their schedules on Tuesday, April 30, starting at 7:00 AM. Arena Scheduling will be open at 4:00 PM on April 30 and remain open until Midnight on May 1.
If you need help or have questions, BHS Counselors will be available via ZOOM or IN PERSON on Tuesday, April 30, from 4:00-5:00 PM.
For in-person help, go to the BHS Counseling Center on April 30 between 4:00-5:00.
If this is your first time using Arena Scheduling, check out the resources on the BHS Counseling Page. Unfortunately, our amazing SoJo Counselors cannot assist with BHS scheduling, so please utilize the online resources or attend the help session at BHS on April 30.
Multilingual Family Night @BHS April 23
JOIN US, Thursday, April 23, as we CELEBRATE student successes, LEARN about the WIDA test and what the results mean for students, and GROW our multilingual community! Registration and Information
24-25 SoJo SBO Elections April 23 Deadline
Do you want to make a difference at our school?
Do you want to be involved in serving and leading your classmates here at SOJO?
SBOs are responsible, hardworking students who care about their school’s culture. The main responsibilities of a SBO include planning school activities, spirit weeks, and assemblies that promote positivity at our school. If you are interested in running for SBO, pick up an application in the main office or from Mrs. Mastin-Call in room 701. All applications are due to Mrs. Mastin-Call by April 23rd!
End of Year Testing
End-of-year testing is fast approaching. Here is some information that will help you prepare:
9th graders will take the Utah Aspire Plus. Utah Aspire Plus is a hybrid assessment for 9th and 10th grade students created through collaboration with Utah educators, the Utah State Board of Education, and Pearson. The test uses ACT Aspire and Utah assessment questions. Students will receive a predicted ACT composite score if they complete the entire exam. The assessment evaluates knowledge and skills that students should have by the end of grades 9 and 10 in English, reading, mathematics and science. To find out more about Utah Aspire Plus, please visit the Aspire Plus webpage.
Because the test is strictly timed ,the test will be administered on a block schedule on April 25th and 26th: Thursday’s Schedule; Friday’s Schedule. Students will take the English test in their Geography class and the Reading test in their Language Arts class. Math and Science will be administered in their math and science classes, respectively. Please ensure your student fully charges their Chromebook the night before and have them bring their charging cords to school the morning of the test. Also, Students are not allowed any kind of additional electronic device during the test. This includes cell phones, smartwatches, and/or logging into their Chromebook other than to access the test. Wired headphones/earbuds are allowed and students are encouraged to bring their own if at all possible. Bluetooth headphones/earbuds are not allowed.
7th and 8th graders will take the RISE test.The RISE assessment is a computer adaptive criterion referenced assessment system that includes summative tests for English Language Arts (ELAs), Mathematics, and Science. The Writing test will only be administered in 8th Grade Language Arts classes, on April 25th and 26th. ELA, Math, and Science tests will be administered the week of May 13-17th. As with the Aspire test, please ensure your student fully charges their Chromebook the night before and have them bring their charging cords. Students may not access any other electronic device during testing. Wired headphones/earbuds are allowed and students are encouraged to bring their own if at all possible. Bluetooth headphones/earbuds are not allowed.