Parent Square

Picture Day, Hello Week, & Chromebooks

School Pictures Thursday August 31

School pictures will be taken during students’ math class on Thursday, August 31. Students have been given a packet to use for ordering. You can also order online using the following link and access code:

Access Code V2GFTQ78

Hello Week

We Don’t Do DoorDash or Deliveries

It’s a brave new world when it comes to food delivery, but please know that we don’t accept DoorDash for students (either on their own or ordered by parents). Not only does it cause a significant disruption to kids trying to time coming to get it while in class, but it’s actually also against the terms and conditions of DoorDash and other similar services to deliver to anyone under the age of 18. If you choose to bring lunch to your student, they will have to meet you in the attendance office during their lunch. They cannot be excused from class. 

As always, you are welcome to check your student out for lunch.


If your child hasn’t been able to have a Chromebook issued to them because you have not completed the Network Acceptable Use Agreement during registration, you can go back in and accept it by going to the Parent side of Skyward and clicking on Registration for School on the left side of the screen:

From there, choose Go back to review completed steps:

Next, click the Parental Consent section on the right:

After that, scroll down to Network Acceptable Use and make sure that you have selected Yes.

Save your work and you should be good to go!

Parent Square

Memory Book 2023-24

Parent Square

Welcome Back!

Welcome back, everyone! We just finished our first day with 7th graders, and we can’t wait to have all of our students at school tomorrow. We have a few minor updates below, but the biggest thing we need to put out to all of you is that we need you to complete registration in Skyward as soon as possible. Your student will not be able to use a Chromebook until it’s complete, and there are a variety of other important things that happen during the online registration process.

Parking Lot & Student Drop Off

There are two ways to enter the SoJo Parking Lot from 2700 West: from the south and from the center. 

South: Enter near the Seminary Building to access the South Lot. Be sure to turn into the South Lot and stay out of the Bus Lane. From the SOUTH Lot, you can ONLY exit by turning LEFT on 2700 West.

Middle: Enter near the middle of the parking lot. From the NORTH Lot, you can ONLY exit by turning RIGHT on 2700 West.

You can find a more detailed parking lot map on our school website:

SoJo Memory Book

The South Jordan Middle School PTSA creates our Memory Book. It is their only fundraiser.  All funds raised go directly to our school through PTSA programs. Some of the programs are teacher grants, student activities, teacher appreciation, socials, spirit nights and more. The books are created by volunteer students and PTSA parents. Please consider purchasing one at the Main Office or on Skyward under Fee’s. Be sure to pay your PTSA dues while you are at it. Consider your dues a donation. No time commitment is required.

MEMORY BOOK STAFF IS NEEDED. Positions are Open to all grades. This link will take you to the application that has detailed information. Apply before the September 8 deadline because a small assignment is required.

MEMORY BOOK COVER CONTEST DEADLINE EXTENDED. SJMS artists, the PTSA wants you to design this year’s cover! Details are in the attached flier, in the Main office and on the PTSA’s Instagram at southjordanmiddleschoolptsa. Submissions are due on September 8th.

9TH GRADE BABY PICTURES NEEDED. The book has a section specifically for our 9th graders. Be sure to get your student’s photo in by September 8th. Please check the flier for tips on quality photo selection before you upload them. Submit photos using the following link.

Student Advocates and Learning Modules

We’ve added a new position in our school to help us step in and solve problems before they get to the point of needing a disciplinary action. This ranges from tardies to classroom behaviors, and essentially, this person is going to work with them in a non-discipline setting to solve the problem prior to referring it to administration for consequences. 

Another step in that process can also be having the student complete an asynchronous module through Ripple Effects. Ripple Effects provides lessons on a wide variety of topics, but we will primarily be using it for topics like tardies, respect, anxiety, and bullying. If our counselors feel your student could benefit from a more targeted lesson from Ripple Effects, they will contact you directly prior to allowing the student to access that module.

We are very excited to welcome Kelsey Ulibarri as our student advocate. You probably already know here if you’ve ever visited our attendance office.

Bingham Girls Lacrosse

The upcoming lacrosse season at Bingham High School. We will be starting fall ball practices and super sevens, a fun fall league, soon and would love any freshman who are interested. Previous playing experience isn’t necessary. They can reach out to me directly at or find us on our instagram: @binghamgirlslax.

Parent Square

Updated Back-to-School Night Times

Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, we are moving our Back-to-School night times up an hour to allow teachers to participate in a district event.

Back-to-School night will now be from 4 – 6 pm on August 17th.

To accommodate anyone who can’t make it until after 6 pm, the school will remain open to parents until 7 pm as originally planned, although teachers and counselors will not be there after 6 pm. Students will still be able to walk the school, find their lockers and map out their schedule between 6 and 7 pm. Thank you for your understanding in advance!

Parent Square

Schedules Now Available

Once you finish registration and pay your registration, you’ll be able to view your schedule in Skyward. We have done our very best to get you as much of what you requested in the spring as possible. Due to the logistics of balancing the schedules of 1200+ students, we do not make changes to student schedules unless a mistake has been made. If you have questions or feel there is a mistake, please contact your counselor.

Also, please be sure to recheck your schedule before the first day of school. We’ll remind you, but there are rare instances where staffing changes require minor schedule adjustments and it’s always a good idea to check in again on Skyward the day before we start to make sure there are no surprises. Course-specific fees will be added to your Skyward account after the first two weeks of school.

Parent Square

Back-to-School Info

Welcome back, SoJo! We know it’s a little early to be sending out school information, but we get a lot of questions as school gets closer, so here’s a rundown of things you’ll see in this Skylert:

  • Important Back-to-School Dates
  • Registration Information
  • Schedule Changes
  • New Administrator
  • Back-to-School Night Information
  • First Days of School Schedules
  • Bell Schedules
  • Dress Code Reminders
  • Community Council Nominations
  • Frequently Asked Questions (Schedules, Lockers, School Tours, etc.)
  • 7th Grade Immunization Requirements

Important Dates

  • August 9:  Immunization Clinic, 10:00 am to Noon in the Attendance Office
  • August 10: Registration Opens / Schedules Available
  • August 11: All Incoming 7th grade immunizations need to be turned in
  • August 17: Back to School Night, 4 – 6 pm 
  • August 21: First Day for 7th Graders, 8 am – 12 pm
  • August 22: First Day for All Students, 8 am – 3 pm
  • August 31: School Picture dates (Makeup Pictures October 5th)

Registration Information (August 10th)

Online registration for the 2023-24 school year opens on August 10th on Skyward, and this is also the day that class schedules will be available. Registration must be completed prior to school starting, including required immunizations for 7th graders. Online registration includes a variety of information and consent forms from the school and district, payment of registration fees, and the option to add lunch money to your student’s account, purchase a memory book, pay course fees (coming soon), etc.

Note: If you need assistance with fees, please contact an administrator. If you need help paying for school lunch, see this page for more info, and instructions on completing a free and reduced lunch application.

Schedules Available August 10, Once Registration is Complete

Once you finish registration and pay your registration and class fees, you’ll be able to view your schedule in Skyward. We have done our very best to get you as much of what you requested in the spring as possible. Due to the logistics of balancing the schedules of 1200+ students, we do not make changes to student schedules unless a mistake has been made. If you have questions or feel there is a mistake, please contact your counselor.

Also, please be sure to recheck your schedule before the first day of school. We’ll remind you, but there are rare instances where staffing changes require minor schedule adjustments and it’s always a good idea to check in again on Skyward the day before we start to make sure there are no surprises.

New Administrator

For the first time in a long time, there are no leaving administrators. However, we are lucky to have a part-time administrator joining us this year: Karen Moore. Karen joins us from West Jordan Middle School, and has a wealth of instructional leadership experience both as an instructional coach and as an administrator. 

Back-to-School Night / School Open House (August 17th, 4-6 pm)

Back-to-School Night is your chance to come and tour the school, meet your teachers, ask questions, and try finding classes and opening your locker. You are not required to come, but it’s a great chance to relieve anxiety about coming to a new school. We’ll also have time for our PTSA to propose their budget for the year and discuss opportunities to serve. If you need to have a personal conversation about the specific needs of your student, please contact the teacher and set up a meeting at another time.

7th Grade Orientation / First Half Day of School (August 21st)

This day is set aside just for 7th graders. We’ll run through all 7 classes, talk about common questions new students often have, and make sure you can find all of your classes.

  • 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Buses will pick up and drop off students, and no breakfast or lunch will be served

First Day of School for All Students (August 22nd)

This is our first full day of school with all students, and will run on our normal schedule – 8 am to 3 pm. Students will go directly to their 1st period class, and we’ll have lots of adults in the halls to help them find it.

Bell Schedules

We have all seven classes every day, and a late start schedule on Fridays. Monday through Thursday, we also have PROWL, which is an intervention time for students to get help in specific areas. The bell schedule can be found here.

Dress Code Reminders

It’s the time of year that you’re looking at back-to-school shopping, so it’s good to reiterate the district dress code for all Jordan School District schools. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s an illustration that makes it easy to see:

Beyond that, we expect students to dress in a way that does not disrupt the learning environment or pose a safety risk to others. More detailed guidelines can be found here.

School Community Council Nominations

Want to get involved? Our school community council plays a vital role in our budgeting, instructional planning, and safety discussions. We meet four to five times a year, and would love to have you join us. Visit our School Community Council page to nominate yourself or someone else to join the team.


Do I get a locker? Yes, but you aren’t required to use it. Your locker number and combination will be in Skyward, and we can help you give it a try on Back-to-School Night or 7th Grade Orientation.

Can I come in and tour the school before school starts? Yes! On the Back-to-School Night, August 17th, the school will be open for students and parents to tour the school, meet teachers, find classes, and try out/decorate your locker.

What are your summer hours? We’re open daily from 8 am to 3 pm for new registrations, questions, etc. If you’re wanting to tour the school with your student, find your classes, decorate lockers, and meet your teachers, please plan on Back-to-School Night.

How do I keep up on what’s going on at SoJo? Skylerts go out weekly once school starts – usually on Monday afternoons – and will always also be posted on the school website at the same time. We also keep a Google Calendar for important dates, events, and happenings at the school that you can subscribe to on your phone.

Is my student eligible to ride the bus?  The district provides a lookup tool here where you can enter your address and get busing information, including eligibility, stop locations, pickup times, and boundaries.

Where should my student walk to school? Each year, we evaluate and update the safest routes for students in our boundaries to use when walking to school. Please visit this page to see the map.

What immunizations are required? The following vaccines are required for students entering seventh grade:

  • 1 TDAP Vaccine
  • 3 Hepatitis B
  • 2 Hepatitis A
  • 2 Varicella (Chickenpox) – A history of disease is acceptable, as long as parent signs a verification statement 
  • 1 Meningococcal 

TDAP Vaccine Dosage Recommendations:

Adolescents 11-18 years of age who have not received the Tdap vaccine should receive a single dose of Tdap vaccine followed by Td booster doses every 10 years thereafter. Tdap vaccine can be given regardless of when the last tetanus- and diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine was given. Unvaccinated teens or those behind schedule should receive three doses of Td with a one-time dose of Tdap substituted for one of the doses in the series.

For more information on immunization requirements, visit Immunize Utah.

Parent Square

Inaccurate Schedules Released

Parents and students,

Recently, it came to our attention that next year’s student schedules were inadvertently released prematurely. This has now been corrected and schedules are no longer visible. Schedules will be viewable starting on August 10th. 

Many changes can occur to the master schedule throughout the summer and it is for this reason that schedules aren’t released until we are confident that more changes will not occur. If your student did see their schedule, please understand that changes may occur until schedules are officially released. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Parent Square

End-of-Year Important Dates

We’re almost at the end of the school year. Please make sure you aren’t surprised by your grades at the last minute, and note that most work is due by the end of this week. 

Year-End Important Dates

Thursday, May 25 – Chromebook Return

Each student was assigned a Chromebook and Chromebook Charger at the beginning of the year. Fees will be assessed for any damage to the Chromebook. The Chromebook must turn on and be free of damage. PLEASE talk with your student now and have them make sure their Chromebook is clean and charged. Chromebooks are $265 and a Chromebook Charger is $25. 

Monday, May 29 – Memorial Day – No School

Wednesday, May 31 – Memory Book Signing

The bell schedule will be modified to allow for school-wide yearbook signing in the afternoon. Please check the school calendar for details.

Memory Books will be distributed during 1st Period on Wednesday, May 31. 

*** Reminder*** 

Please check Skyward Family Access to pay any outstanding fees/fines. All SJMS library books, textbooks, Chromebooks and chargers need to be returned to school or the fine paid prior to Memory Book distribution. Please and thank you!

Thursday, June 1 – Lagoon Day/Field Day – Last Day for 7th Grade Students

The bell schedule will be modified to allow for Field Day Activities in the afternoon. Please check the school calendar for details. June 1 is the last day of school for 7th Grade Students.

Lagoon Day for our outgoing 9th graders will be Thursday, June 1st. Students will come to school that day for our end-of-year slideshow and some fun, and then will board the bus and go to Lagoon. All of the information about purchasing tickets, departure and pickup times, etc. can be found here, and hard copies of the permission slip will be available in the main office.

There will be no charge to ride the bus, but the permission slip must be signed in order to ride with the school. Tickets must be purchased in advance on the Lagoon website, and the discount code can be found in the information packet. Lagoon will be open to the public that day, and won’t close until 9 or 10 pm. However, buses will return at 5 pm.

Friday, June 2 – Last Day for 8th & 9th Grade Students

Please note – school starts at 8:00 AM on June 2. There is no late start and no lunch will be served. The school will only be open between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. If your student chooses not to attend on June 2, it will not negatively impact their academic or citizenship grade. Due to end-of-year staff activities, no students will be allowed in the building after 12:00 PM. For those students who ride a bus, bus transportation will be available for the 8:00 AM drop off and 12:00 PM pick up. If you plan to pick up your student, please know they will be waiting outside with no access to a school phone.

Parent Square

Parent & Student Surveys

Counseling Center Survey for Parents

Every few years, counselors survey parents and students about the counseling program in order to improve how we serve you. Your feedback is crucial! Students will be taking the survey in their PROWL class this Thursday. A link to the parent survey is below. It is available in English or Spanish. If you have 5-10 minutes to fill out this survey within the next two weeks we would really appreciate it! The more people we hear from the better!

Parent Survey Link:

Final Panorama Survey of the School Year

This Thursday students will be taking our district’s Panorama SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Survey. This survey will be given to students during the PROWL period class and should only take about 15-20 minutes. Students will be asked how they think and feel about school. Here is a link to some of the questions that your student may be asked.

This data will be used alongside academic, behavioral, and attendance records in order to support the whole child. By using Panorama our school will be able to act on data and plan solutions at the school, classroom, and student level. This survey:

  • Is not a curriculum
  • Is not a mental health screener
  • Has nothing to do with 2nd Step
  • Has nothing to do with Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Thank you so much for your support at home. 

Parent Square

Dance, Lagoon, Chromebooks, & Memory Books

The last month of school is an exciting time with a lot of exciting events taking place. Make sure you check our calendar for events like concerts and performances, as well as things like a school dance and Lagoon day. 

In this Skylert, you’ll find:

  • School Dance Info (Friday, May 19th)
  • Lagoon Day Info (Thursday, June 1st)
  • Chromebook Return Info
  • Memory Book Purchase Info
  • Memory Book Cover Contest Info

Sneaker Ball Important Information (Friday, May 19th)

Our PTSA is hosting a Sneaker Ball (wear whatever, as long as you wear sneakers – and it fits in the dress code) at the end of the day on Friday, May 19th. There are a few things you need to know:

  • We Can’t Check Students Out After 2 pm
    • Students get to choose which activity they go to (dance, movie, or game rooms), so by the time we find where they went, it’ll probably be 3 pm.
    • If you know you’ll need to check your student out beforehand, please use this prior release form and have your child bring it with them to 7th period on Friday. 
    • This form will allow them (at 2 pm and not before) to turn in this form to be checked out to you. You won’t need to come into the school if you have completed the form.
    • This form must be filled out prior to school on Friday. We’ll have a limited number of copies in the attendance office all week for students who can’t print one at home. 
  • Alternate Activities
    • We’ll have a movie in the KIVA (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) and some game rooms. If you have a video game (school appropriate, of course) that you want to play, you’ll need to bring it on Friday. If you bring your own game or Nintendo Switch, you’re responsible for its care and any loss or damage.
  • Behavior Expectations
    • We’re not filtering who can attend the dance based on citizenship, so we would love your help emphasizing proper behavior from home.
    • If we have to pull your child out of an activity due to their behavior, it may affect their ability to participate in other end-of-year activities like the field day, Lagoon, or memory book signing.

9th Grade Lagoon Day (Thursday, June 1st)

Lagoon Day for our outgoing 9th graders will be Thursday, June 1st. Students will come to school that day for our end-of-year slideshow and some fun, and then will board the bus and go to Lagoon. All of the information about purchasing tickets, departure and pickup times, etc. can be found here, and hard copies of the permission slip will be available in the main office.

There will be no charge to ride the bus, but the permission slip must be signed in order to ride with the school. Tickets must be purchased in advance on the Lagoon website, and the discount code can be found in the information packet. Lagoon will be open to the public that day, and won’t close until 9 or 10 pm. However, buses will return at 5 pm.

Chromebooks, Chargers, and Loaners OH MY

We are nearing the end of the school year and fees are being added to Skyward for missing Chromebooks. Each student was assigned a Chromebook and Chromebook Charger at the beginning of the year. Some students have also borrowed what we call Loaner Chromebooks and Loaner Chromebook Chargers. Students who have a Loaner Chromebook will be charged $265 along with $25 for any Loaner Chromebook Charger. Fees will also be assessed for any damage to the Chromebook. PLEASE talk with your student now and have them return any loaned items. ALL items must be returned by May 25th. 

Memory Book

There is a list posted by the Main Office of all those who have purchased a Memory Book. If your student wants a Memory Book, please have them check the list to make sure their name is on it!

  • You may purchase a Memory Book on Skyward Family Access or in the Main Office for $35.00. Online and in person sales end May 19th (or while supplies last).
  • Please pay any fines/fees BEFORE May 31st. Students who are missing library books, textbooks, or have Chromebook fines will have their Memory Book held until the item is returned or the fine is paid.
  • Memory Books will be distributed Wednesday, May 31st. (No books will be released early.) There will be a table for CASH ONLY SALES at the signing party for $35.00. 

Any Memory Books not picked up that day will be available in the Main Office!

Design Next Year’s Memory Book Cover!

Calling all SOJO student artists! The Memory Book Staff wants you to create the cover for next year’s book. For the first time, there will be a student cover art contest. The theme is “Paws for the Moment.” The art needs to include the snow leopard and show school pride. Students can work individually or in groups. There are a lot of important specifications for submissions, and this flier has all of the information you need. A hard copy can also be picked up in the Main Office, and found on the PTSA and SJMS social media sites.

Entries need to be submitted both digitally and physically by Thursday, May 18th. Email any questions to Memory Book advisors are PTSA volunteers and cannot receive or reply to student JSD email addresses, so do not use your school account.

We have such talented students and are very excited to see what they create.