Parent Square

Picture Retakes, Newsies, & College Week

We’re fresh off of parent conferences, and we hope that you were able to communicate with teachers about anything and everything you’d hoped for. If not, please remember that teachers are reachable before and after school, via email, phone or in-person all year long. Here’s what we have coming up at SoJo:

Picture Retakes on Thursday, October 6th

If the picture you got wasn’t what you’d hoped, or you missed the first picture day, we’ll be having retakes this Thursday. There was some confusion with the photographer last time, so hats are allowed as long as they are school appropriate, since they are allowed by the school dress code. 

Tickets Available Now for Newsies Jr.

Tickets are now available for Newsies JR. Performances are November 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. You can find information here.

It’s College Week!

Just a reminder that this week is College Week. Our counselors have been hard at work putting together everything from door decorating to games and treats every day in the lunchroom. There will even be a student/faculty tug-of-war on Friday! Here’s the schedule:

  • Monday: School Shirts – Remember where you come from
  • Tuesday: Dress to Impress – Dress like you would for an interview
  • Wednesday: Bright Colors – Your future is bright
  • Thursday: Wear Blue or Green – USU vs UVU Day
  • Friday: Wear Red or Blue – U of U vs BYU Day
Parent Square

College Week Kickoff

It’s college week! Check out our kickoff video here.

Here’s the schedule for the week:

Monday – SoJo Shirts

Tuesday – Dress to Impress

Wednesday – Bright Colors

Thursday – Blue or Green (college gear)

Friday – Red or Blue (College Gear)  & Tug-of-War with Faculty at Lunches

Parent Square

PTC Info, Spirit Night, & SCC

Parent-Teacher Conferences Wed (Virtual) & Thurs (In-Person)

Parent-Teacher Conferences are this week! We’ll have a virtual night on Wednesday, Sept. 28 and in-person conferences on Thursday, Sept. 29. Both nights will run from 4 – 7:30 pm. Students won’t have school on Friday, Sept. 30. For the virtual night on Wednesday, you can schedule an appointment in Skyward and access Zoom links here. You don’t need an appointment for the in-person conferences in the gym/cafe on Thursday.

On that subject, remember that we have so many ways to communicate. Please don’t feel you need to wait to talk to a teacher if you have a concern, question, or compliment. Parent conferences are an official chance to meet with them if you’d like, but you can call, email, or set up an appointment with a teacher all year long.

Again, this means that no school will be held on Friday, September 30th.

We will also be selling memory books from previous years on Thursday night for $5 while supplies last. See this flier for more information.

Free Family Skate Night @ Classic Fun Center on Monday, Sept. 26th

Our wonderful PTSA has arranged for SoJo students and their families to get free admission to skating at Classic Fun Center in Sandy on Monday, Sept. 26th from 5:30 – 8:30 pm. If you don’t have your own skates, you can rent them (or a scooter or rollerblades) for $3. You can also upgrade to unlimited activities for just $10. Check out this flier for more details.

Spirit Night @ Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt on Monday, Sept. 26th

Do you love both SoJo and FroYo? If so, mention that you’re with South Jordan Middle School at Menchies on Monday, Sept. 26th between 3 and 10 pm, and a portion of your purchase will go to the school through our wonderful PTSA.

Early Morning Drop-Off

Just a reminder that the school doesn’t open until 7:30 am. As it gets colder, please be aware so that your child isn’t left out in the cold.

PTSA Reflections Contest

Want to show off your talents? Enter this year’s PTSA Reflections contest. You can find rules and the online entry form here. Entries are due October 1st, and you can enter original works in the categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, 2D Visual Arts, and 3D Visual Arts. The Reflections Theme for 2022-23 is “Show Your Voice.”

Memory Book Baby Pics w/No Names

The Memory Book Committee has received a ton of amazing 9th grade baby photos. We have a handful that do not have names and need to be identified. Parents please check this link to see if your child is one of them. If your child’s photo is there, email the baby number and name to asap. Photos were due last week, but if this serves as a reminder to you feel free to upload it to ReplayIt Private Photo Submission Site. Include your email and the student full name so they don’t end up on our unidentified baby list.

Community Council Meeting Oct. 3rd @ 4 pm

We have our first community council meeting soon. If you’d like to attend, join us on Monday, October 3rd at 4 pm. The tentative agenda for the meeting is to elect positions, review our Land Trust, TSSA, and Safe Walking Route plans, and to discuss any concerns from members of the committee.

Parent Square

Parent Conferences & Spirit Night

We have a great set of events coming up, and as always, you can see our upcoming calendar of events on our website here.

Parent-Teacher Conferences Next Week

Parent-Teacher Conferences are just around the corner. We’ll have a virtual night on Wednesday, Sept. 28 and in-person conferences on Thursday, Sept. 29. Both nights will run from 4 – 7:30 pm. Students won’t have school on Friday, Sept. 30. For the virtual night on Wednesday, you can schedule an appointment in Skyward.

On that subject, remember that we have so many ways to communicate. Please don’t feel you need to wait to talk to a teacher if you have a concern, question, or compliment. Parent conferences are an official chance to meet with them if you’d like, but you can call, email, or set up an appointment with a teacher all year long.

Free Family Skate Night @ Classic Fun Center on Monday, Sept. 26th

Our wonderful PTSA has arranged for SoJo students and their families to get free admission to skating at Classic Fun Center in Sandy on Monday, Sept. 26th from 5:30 – 8:30 pm. If you don’t have your own skates, you can rent them (or a scooter or rollerblades) for $3. You can also upgrade to unlimited activities for just $10. Check out this flier for more details.

Spirit Night @ Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt on Monday, Sept. 26th

Do you love both SoJo and FroYo? If so, mention that you’re with South Jordan Middle School at Menchies on Monday, Sept. 26th between 3 and 10 pm, and a portion of your purchase will go to the school through our wonderful PTSA.

Early Morning Drop-Off

Just a reminder that the school doesn’t open until 7:30 am. As it gets colder, please be aware so that your child isn’t left out in the cold waiting for the doors to unlock or staff to arrive.

PTSA Reflections Contest

Want to show off your talents? Enter this year’s PTSA Reflections contest. You can find rules and the online entry form here. Entries are due October 1st, and you can enter original works in the categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, 2D Visual Arts, and 3D Visual Arts. The Reflections Theme for 2022-23 is “Show Your Voice.”

Parent Square

No School Friday, Reflections, & Baby Pics

Good morning, SoJo! As always, you can see our upcoming calendar of events on our website here. Most importantly for this week, remember that students don’t have school on Friday. It’s a teacher professional development day, so we’ll be here, but students won’t be.

It’s also good to note that Parent-Teacher Conferences are just around the corner. We’ll have a virtual night on Wednesday, Sept. 28 and in-person conferences on Thursday, Sept. 29. Students won’t have school on Friday, Sept. 30. On that subject, remember that we have so many ways to communicate. Please don’t feel you need to wait to talk to a teacher if you have a concern, question, or compliment. Parent conferences are an official chance to meet with them if you’d like, but you can call, email, or set up an appointment with a teacher all year long.

PTSA Reflections Contest

Want to show off your talents? Enter this year’s PTSA Reflections contest. You can find rules and the online entry form here. Entries are due October 1st, and you can enter original works in the categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, 2D Visual Arts, and 3D Visual Arts. The Reflections Theme for 2022-23 is “Show Your Voice.”

9th Grade Baby Photos due by Sept. 16th

9th Grade Baby Photos Needed for the Memory Book! The deadline to submit photos is Sept 16th. Don’t miss out on getting your student’s photo published. Only submit one baby photo, current photos not needed! Include your students name and your email address. You can submit the photo here, or there is a QR code on the image. If you are still having trouble, email

Community Council

Agenda (10/3/22)

It’s that time of year again, and we’re looking at our first community council meeting of the year. Thank you all so much for being willing to serve on our council. Mrs. Johnson had a tentative schedule for the year laid out for our meetings. The dates are:

  • Oct 3
  • Nov 28
  • Feb 6
  • Mar 20

We can adjust those if needed once we meet. We’ve got it scheduled for 3:30 pm here in the main office conference room. Let me know if that is a conflict for any of you and we can work out a new time. I’ll include that in our next Skylert on Monday, so just try to let me know by then.

You can find an overview of what timelines all community councils are held attached to this email. You can also see an overview of the roles and responsibilities of a council here

If you are interested in being our chair for this year, there are two options for an online training:

  • September 28, 2022 – 6:30-7:30 p.m. (Zoom Link)
  • September 29, 2022 – 6:30-7:30 p.m. (Zoom Link)

In our first meeting on October 3rd, we’ll tentatively plan on:

  • Electing a chair, someone to take minutes, etc.
  • Review Land Trust, TSSA, and Safe Walking Route Plans
  • Discuss any concerns from council members or staff
  • Review dates for upcoming meetings

We’ve had a lower turnout in terms of applications this year despite advertising at Back-to-School Night, Skylerts, social media, PTSA, and our website, and so I’ve been looking into the rules about ratios of staff to parents and so forth. We have four parent volunteers, and three staff volunteers. This means that one of our staff members won’t be able to be a voting member, although they are still welcome to attend like anyone else in our school community. We can work that all out in our first meeting when we elect a chair and other positions.

Parent Square

Reflections Contest Entries Due Oct. 1st

Want to show off your talents? Enter this year’s PTSA Reflections contest. You can find rules and the online entry form here. Entries are due October 1st, and you can enter original works in the categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, 2D Visual Arts, and 3D Visual Arts. The Reflections Theme for 2022-23 is “Show Your Voice.”

Parent Square

Climate Survey, Openings & SCC Nominations

We have a few weeks of school under our belts, and we hope you all had a chance to get that perfect school photo you’ll look back on fondly for many years to come. If not, we’ll have retakes soon. It’s been a great few weeks, and we want to remind you that, as always, you can see our upcoming calendar of events on our website here

In this Skylert, you’ll find:

  • Upcoming Panorama Survey
  • Drop-Off & Pick-Up Request
  • Current Openings
  • Lunch Menus & App
  • Behavior at BHS Sporting Events
  • School Community Council Nominations

Panorama Survey

Dear SoJo Middle School Families,

This Thursday students will be taking our district’s Panorama SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Survey. This survey gives us insight into how students feel about school and helps us drive change for our school culture.  This survey will be given to students in Prowl class and should only take about 15-20 minutes.  Students will be asked how they think and feel about school.  Here is a link to some of the questions that your student may be asked 

This data will be used alongside academic, behavioral, and attendance records in order to support the whole child.  By using Panorama our school will able to act on data and plan solutions at the school, classroom, and student level.  This survey:

  • Is not a curriculum
  • Is not a mental health screener
  • Has nothing to do with 2nd Step
  • Has nothing to do with Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Thank you so much for your support at home.  If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact your student’s school counselor.

Pick-Up & Drop-Off Behind SoJo

We’ve been asked by the residents living behind SoJo to remind patrons that Temple View Land (the street that dead-ends behind the school) is not a drop-off and pick-up location. Thank you for your understanding.

Current Openings

We are still looking for 17- and 25-hour aides in our special needs classrooms, as well as cashiers for our cafeteria (2.5 hours per day, between 11 am – 2 pm depending on the day). We’d love to have you join our wonderful staff and get to experience the great students of SoJo firsthand.

Lunch Menu & App

Wondering what’s for lunch each day? You can find our lunch menu here. You can also download the NutriSlice app, and it allows you access to the menu, nutrition information, and more for all schools in Jordan District.

Middle School Behavior at BHS Events

We’ve been asked by Bingham High School to reiterate to students that their behavior at high school events may make it so they are no longer able to attend those events. They are reporting specific issues with middle school students’ behavior at football games, although the request applies to any time our students are representing our school or district at any event. Keep it classy, SoJo!

School Community Council Nominations

If you’re interested in joining our school community council, this is our last call for nominations. Our first meeting is scheduled for October 3rd from 3:30 – 4:30 pm here at the school. If you are interested in serving on this year’s council (even if you’ve been on it last year), please fill out a nomination form and return it to the school ASAP.

Parent Square

Picture Day, Peer Tutors & Memory Book

Happy Tuesday morning, and we hope your first full week of school treated you well. The biggest thing happening this week is picture day on Wednesday. 

Before we get to that, we could use more help in the form of peer tutors in our special education classes. If you are looking for a chance to make a real difference and it works with your schedule, we’d love to have you. Talk to your counselor for more details.

Week at a Glance

Monday, Aug 29                                                             

  • Regular Schedule
  • Lunch:  Calzone

Tuesday, Aug 30                                            

  • Regular Schedule
  • Lunch:  Spicy Pork

Wednesday, Aug 31 

  • Regular Schedule  
  • Lunch:  Breaded Chicken Patty
  • Picture Day (Based on Science Classes)

Thursday, Sept 1

  • Regular Thursday PROWL Schedule
  • Lunch:  Kung Pao Chicken w/ Edamame

Friday, Sept 2

  • Late Start Schedule
  • Lunch:  Breakfast Bar

Picture Day is Wednesday, August 31st

It’s nearly picture day, so be ready to have your memory book photo taken on Wednesday, August 31. You can order online using the code 3SNTMPRF on this site. Options can be found in the picture below.

9th Grade Baby Pictures for the Memory Book

Attention parents of 9th graders only. If you would like your child’s 9th grade baby photo to be included in the memory book, please use this link or the QR code to upload the photo. Only submit one photo per student. Make sure to include the student’s name and parent email address when submitting the photo.

Memory Book Staff Applications

Interested in journalism or photography? Love attending school events or design? Join our memory book staff. Use this link to sign up. All applications must be submitted by midnight, September 8th.

Parent Square

Picture Day is Wed, Aug. 31st

We normally only send out one Skylert a week, but we didn’t want anyone to forget that it’s picture day on Wednesday, August 31st. You can order online using the code 3SNTMPRF on this site. Options can be found in the picture below. Have a great weekend!

Picture Day

Memory Book Staff Applications

Interested in journalism or photography? Love attending school events or design? Join our memory book staff. Use this link to sign up. All applications must be submitted by midnight, September 8th.